How to attach a veil?

attaching the veil to the tiara 1A wedding veil is a beautiful accessory that plays an important role in shaping the wedding look and symbolizes the purity, grace and femininity of the bride. In addition, it is generally accepted that this element of a wedding dress helps protect the bride from the evil eye. It is important not only to choose the right thing, but also to secure it securely. To do this, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the most common mounting options for this elegant accessory.

How can I secure the veil?

There are various methods for fixing such a wedding attribute.

attaching the veil to the headband

Attaching the veil to the headband

The most popular include the following:

  • transparent or light hairpins, barrettes, bobby pins and other similar hair accessories;
  • tiaras and headbands;
  • combs of various shapes and sizes;
  • Velcro, silicone rubber bands and crabs;
  • special loops.

Advice! If you plan to wear the veil all day, such an accessory must be secured as firmly as possible.

attaching the veil to hairpins

How to attach a veil to your hair?

To determine the optimal mounting option for such an accessory, you need to take into account the type of veil, the length of the bride’s curls and the features of the hairstyle to which the product must be attached.
fastening the veil with hairpins

Tricks for attaching a veil with hairpins

attaching the veil to hairpinsTo securely secure such an accessory in your hair using hairpins, you must perform the following steps:

  • in the area of ​​attachment, part of the hair should be pulled into a small ponytail, into the base of which you will then need to insert hairpins;
  • prepare the required number of hairpins and bend one of the “legs” in half on each hairpin;
  • the long “leg” of each hairpin must either be threaded directly into the thin fabric of the product, or threaded into a special loop for fastening and the hairpin inserted into the base of the ponytail.

attaching the veil with pins under the hairstyle

After such actions, the bent “legs” of the hairpins will securely hold the accessory in the hairstyle.

Advice! Before removing the accessory, you must first straighten the “legs” of the hairpins directly in the hairstyle.

We fasten the veil with a comb

For light hairstyles, you can use combs with a small number of teeth (six will be enough). For thick and long hair or for a heavy accessory, it is better to use a wide product that can securely fix this wedding accessory.

attaching the veil to a comb with decor

If the comb is weak on the hair or has short teeth, It is recommended to use additional pins or invisible pins to fasten such a product.

How to beautifully sew a comb to a veil?

To do this, in addition to the comb itself and the wedding attribute, you need to prepare a satin ribbon of suitable width, thread and a needle.

fastening the veil, we wrap the tapeProgress:

  • The product must be folded in such a way that the veil thrown over the face has the required length.This place should be stitched with an accordion. The length of such an accordion must match the width of the scallop.

attaching the veil to the comb

  • The tape must be pulled through the teeth of the comb and firmly attached close to its top.
  • Now you need to sew the veil to the ribbon secured in this way.

attaching the veil to the crab

Recommendations for choosing a comb

The width and number of teeth of such an accessory must be selected in accordance with the length of the wedding attribute, the weight and thickness of the hair and the volume of the hairstyle:

  • transparent combs or matching the shade of the hair - an excellent option for attaching a product richly decorated with embroidery, rhinestones or pearls;
  • products decorated with flowers or rhinestoneswill help create a solemn and romantic image of the bride;
  • plain or bright will add an original twist to the image, but in this case you need to take into account that a single-color comb in a contrasting color should be harmoniously combined with other elements of the image.

attaching the veil to the hairstyle

Important! Metal combs are more reliable than plastic ones.

Attach a veil to loose hair

If such a wedding attribute is of sufficient length, you can secure it with a tight-fitting headband, wreath or bandage. A short accessory can be attached to freely flowing curls with small crab clips.
fastening veils loose hair

Other veil attachments

In addition to the methods listed above, there are various other options for attaching a wedding veil.

To the diadem, tiara

In this case, the product It is recommended to fix it directly on the diadem or on the tiara. For this purpose, you can sew special loops or sew on Velcro. You can also simply sew these accessories together.
attaching the veil to the tiara

To the wreath

Such decoration can be worn directly on top of such an accessory.If the wreath fits your head tightly enough, no additional fastenings are required. If it rests loosely on your head, you can additionally use hairpins or bobby pins. A narrow product can be sewn to the back of the wreath.
attaching the veil to the wreath

Velcro to the hat

The product can be attached to the elegant hat using special Velcro pre-sewn to it. This method will allow you to securely fix this wedding accessory. without damaging the hairstyle.
attaching the veil to the hat with Velcro

Juliet veil

This variety is usually made in the form of a cute round hat made of lace or other similar material. This is a great option for long flowing curls and for short hair. This veil is simply put directly on the head and does not require any special fixation.
jellied veil fastenings

Spanish version - mantilla

This is a rather long product, the length of which in most cases reaches to the toes. Along the entire perimeter of such a veil there is often a rich lace trim, on the back of which you can easily hide small transparent hairpins or a comb, with which this accessory can be attached to the hair.

veil fastenings spanish mantilla

You can also secure this type of wedding veil by simply putting a wreath of small light flowers on top.

Wedding scarf

fastening veils wedding scarfThis attribute will certainly come in handy during a wedding. But even if the bride and groom do not plan to hold such a ceremony, certain models of wedding scarves will look great in the registry office during a regular wedding.

At its core, wedding scarf - the same veil, but in a more original design. The most popular are transparent and lace models.

Advice! You shouldn’t hide your original intricate hairstyle under a veil.In this case, it is better to secure such a wedding accessory under your hair.

Attaching a wedding veil is not an easy task, because it is necessary not only to attach such an accessory securely enough, but also to do it in such a way that the veil and hairstyle look harmonious together. After familiarizing yourself with the various methods of attaching a wedding veil, it is advisable to practice beforehand so that on your wedding day everything turns out perfectly the first time.

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