How to make a witness bracelet with your own hands

Previously, during a wedding, there were always two people next to the newlyweds - the witness and the witness, who were close friends of the bride and groom. Recently, more and more couples are giving preference to traditions that came from the West, according to which several “boyfriends” and “boyfriends” are supposed to be singled out at the holiday. So that they do not get lost among the other guests, you can add such a distinctive feature as a bracelet to their outfits.

How to make your own bracelet for your bridesmaids

How to make your own bracelet for your bridesmaids

Watching foreign films, you can notice how beautiful and stylish wedding ceremonies look, in which several friends of the groom and bridesmaids participate. In most cases, men wear the same suits, girls wear dresses of the same style and color.

It is with bridesmaids' dresses that problems most often arise. Obstinate young ladies either do not want to dress the same as others, or it is simply impossible to find suitable clothes of the same type on several girls who differ in height, weight and figure structure at once.

You shouldn't give up on the idea of ​​a wedding with several bridesmaids. Even if they are dressed a little differently, you can distinguish the girls from guests and relatives with the help of a small detail - a bracelet. It will be especially nice for friends if the bride prepares them herself.

Important! Those who have doubts about choosing a bracelet as a piece of jewelry that emphasizes the special status of the bridesmaid should familiarize themselves with the following advantages:

  • a bracelet is more convenient than a bouquet, more versatile than a hat or cheaper than a dress;
  • the decoration can be kept as a keepsake;
  • an accessory of this kind will highlight the beauty of your friends without distracting attention from the bride;
  • You can make a bracelet with your own hands from any materials.

How to make a bracelet for your bridesmaids yourself 1

How to choose a design

The following rules can help you decide on the appearance and design of hand jewelry for bridesmaids:

  1. Maintaining the general style. If the ceremony and subsequent celebration will be furnished in classic soft pastel colors, then all other items included in the wedding accessories should be appropriate.
  2. Similarity with a bouquet and boutonniere. For the bridesmaids, you can make bracelets from flowers of the same type and color as in the bride’s bouquet and the groom’s boutonniere.
  3. Thinking through the details. Each person is individual, therefore, when creating hand jewelry for witnesses with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the wrist of each of them, so that it does not turn out that the ribbon allocated for fastening is short.
  4. Quality. If the bride decides to make an accessory such as a bracelet for her “friends,” she needs to carefully evaluate her capabilities and think about whether she can cope with the task.You need to stock up on high-quality materials and consumables that will not lose their appearance even at the beginning of the celebration.

Important! The work needs to be given maximum attention and diligence. Ugly or quickly lost shape decorations will not delight others and will ruin your photos.

How to make a bracelet for bridesmaids yourself 3

What you will need

The most popular materials for witness bracelets are:

  1. Beads and rhinestones. Stringed on a satin ribbon, the ends of which are twisted into a beautiful bow, large beads look great with any festive and casual clothing. Matched to the tone of the bride's dress and the groom's shirt, they will be a wonderful addition and continuation of the overall style. Jewelry made from beads and rhinestones, which are present on the bride’s dress, look especially good.
  2. Polymer clay and foamiran. You won’t be able to make flowers from polymer clay with your own hands without special skills. For those who are familiar with the material, it will not be difficult to prepare decorations that are combined with the overall theme of the holiday.
  3. Feathers and shiny braid. If it is decided to decorate the wedding “in the style of Gatsby,” then it is impossible to think of a better decoration for the bridesmaids than bracelets made of braid and feathers. Interesting and unusual, they will fit perfectly into the overall style and add its characteristic elegance and chic to their owners.

Important! Bracelets made from fresh flowers look very beautiful. In practice, it turns out that this material is the most complex and capricious both in work and in further use.

Wire, floral thread, glue, and sewing thread are used as fastening materials. To work, you will definitely need pieces of decorative mesh, rhinestones, beads and other elements, the selection of which will depend on the type and style of the intended accessory.
How to make a bracelet for bridesmaids yourself 4


Artificial flowers remain one of the most popular materials for creating such accessories. Made of fabric, they hold their shape perfectly, do not fade or fall apart during wear.

To work on artificial flower bracelets you will need:

  • cardboard, pencil;
  • scissors, needles, threads;
  • fabric glue;
  • pieces of different fabrics;
  • satin ribbons.

The creation process step by step:

  1. A circle is cut out of cardboard, which will become the basis for the flower.
  2. The blank is transferred to fabric, from which several circles are then cut out - the more of them, the more magnificent the flower.
  3. The cut out elements are folded in half once and then a second time - the petal for the bracelet is ready.
  4. The corners of the petals are fastened with thread so that they do not fall apart.
  5. The resulting petals are glued onto a cardboard blank so that the flower has a natural and natural appearance.
  6. They are attached to the bottom of the cardboard with glue and secured with a thread of tape - ties.
  7. You can glue a large rhinestone or bead into the center of the flower. For each of the girlfriends, the bead in the middle of the flower can be a different color.

How to make a bracelet for bridesmaids yourself 4

Before you start purchasing materials and consumables, you need to consider that making bracelets with your own hands can take a lot of time and effort. In addition, you should know that during a festive feast, dancing or too active movements during a photo shoot, a poorly glued bracelet may fall apart. To avoid such troubles, the bride can first make one sample bracelet, which can be given a test drive for endurance.

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