Roses made of satin ribbons

Satin ribbon rose 10Graceful satin roses can not only beautifully decorate your home. Many modern fashionistas use such decorative elements as decoration, making brooches from them and adding them to headbands, combs and other accessories. There are various options for creating these elegant products with your own hands.

Necessary materials

Satin ribbon roses toolsMaking flowers from this material is quite simple. Even novice needlewomen can cope with this task.

To work you need to prepare:

  • satin of the desired width and shade;
  • igloo;
  • threads;
  • ruler;
  • lighter (or candle);
  • glue gun

Such decorative elements look very elegant and delicate. They can be used to decorate curtains, lambrequins, decorative pillows and many other things in an original way.

Making roses from satin ribbons using different techniques

Various techniques are used to make such roses. The versatility of the material and the abundance of colors to suit every taste will help bring any fantasy to life, and will emphasize the refined taste of the needlewoman.

Wide ribbon flower

Satin ribbon rose 11
To make such a product, it is recommended to prepare a 5 cm wide satin in two different shades, a needle and thread, scissors, a glue gun and a lighter. Let's look at the step-by-step steps to assemble the rose in detail.

Wide ribbon rose 1Wide ribbon rose 2Technique:

  1. Cut the satin into pieces 5x12 cm (in total you will need 24 dark and 6 light pieces).
  2. Turn one of these parts with the wrong side facing you and bend the corners from top to bottom. After this, you need to bend the lower corners, sew the workpiece at the base, tighten the thread and tie a knot.
  3. The resulting petal must be bent in the same way as in the photo and scorched a little so that the shape of the upper edge becomes smooth and round.
  4. In the same way, you need to make 16 identical elements (10 dark and 6 light).
  5. The remaining 14 dark petals need to be made a little wider. To do this, do not tighten the thread too much after the base is stitched.
  6. You need to form a bud from a light petal by rolling it into a tube, which must be fixed with glue or thread.
  7. The resulting part should be wrapped with another petal, then with the next one, gluing them overlapping each other. For a bud, 6 light details are enough. This will be the first row of the future flower.
  8. It is necessary to glue 1 petal of the second row to the first row, securing only its left part with glue.
  9. After this, the bud needs to be glued with a second row of petals, consisting of 4 parts. On the glued 4th petal you need to glue the free part of the 1st.
  10. Using the same principle, you need to make a third row, which will require 6 parts, and then a fourth, consisting of 8 petals.

Wide ribbon rose 3Wide ribbon roseThe rose is ready. To give the product a more complete look, you can decorate it with leaves and buds. This flower will be an excellent decoration for curtains.

From a thin satin ribbon

You can make an elegant pleated rose from a thin satin ribbon. To make it you will need 0.5 m of satin 1 cm wide and a lighter.

Rose made of narrow satin ribbon 1Execution technique:

  1. Determine the middle of the tape and fold it in half.
  2. Move the ends of the tape relative to each other so that a right angle is formed.
  3. Holding the fold, throw the end in your right hand to the left side.
  4. The tip of the tape looking down must be thrown upward.
  5. Move the end of the tape in your left hand to the right. Each time the tape should go from above.
  6. The upper end should be thrown down.
  7. Steps 3-6 must be repeated until the tape runs out to form an accordion.
  8. The accordion must be lowered while holding both ends of the tape.
  9. Gently pull one of the ends. The accordion will change shape, gradually acquiring the outline of a rose.
  10. Turn the resulting rose with the back side facing you and tie a double knot so that the product does not unravel later.
  11. Trim excess tape and singe the edges.


Rose made of narrow satin ribbon 2
To make a rose from satin using a similar technique you will need: satin 5 cm wide, scissors, pins, a lighter and a glue gun.

Rose Kanzashi 3 Rose Kanzashi 2 Rose Kanzashi 1Technique:

  1. From the tape you need to cut 25-27 squares measuring 5x5 cm.
  2. Then a petal should be formed from one square. To do this, you need to fold it in half in the shape of a triangle, then pull two side corners to the bottom corner, cut off the corners and singe.
  3. In a similar way, you need to form petals from all the prepared squares.
  4. To make a bud, you need to glue two petals together, then roll them into a bud shape.
  5. Then glue all the other petals to them one by one.

Rose Kanzashi 6 Rose Kanzashi 5 Rose Kanzashi 4The rose is ready. If desired, you can supplement it with green leaves.

Other techniques

Rose Kanzashi 7
You can make a beautiful rose from satin without cutting the ribbon, and quite quickly, in just a few minutes. To do this, you need to prepare: a 1 m long satin, a needle, thread, tweezers and a lighter.

Rose without cuttingTechnique:

  1. The tape must be folded in half along its entire length so that the matte side is on the inside. The upper right corner needs to be folded and held with tweezers.
  2. After completing 2 turns around the tweezers, the tape should be folded away from you. Repeat these steps until you get a bud.
  3. After completing several turns, the bud made in this way must be stitched to secure it. It is necessary to record each turn of the tape. When the product reaches the desired size, the tweezers must be removed.
  4. The bends of the tape will act as petals. It is necessary to ensure that each next petal is located between the petals of the previous circle. The satin must be used completely, singed and hemmed at the end.
  5. To get a flat flower, the lower part of the rose should be cut off and scorched.

Roses from satin ribbons wedding bouquetRoses made from this material can be used in various ways. With their help, you can diversify your interior, effectively decorate a dress, or beautifully wrap a gift. You can even make an elegant wedding bouquet from these flowers.

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