What to do if your jeans are too big

The jeans you like in the store are sometimes too big. What to do if you still want to buy them? Do not refuse the purchase under any circumstances. Just like not giving up your favorite pants that have become big as a result of a successful diet. And there is no need to be upset in these cases either. You need something else: make your jeans smaller. This can be done not only in the workshop, but also at home.

How to make jeans smaller

There are several ways that really help make pants smaller.

By washing

Hot water can affect your jeans and make them smaller.


HandwashWhen washing by hand, you will need large containers (basin, baby bath) and boiling water. But detergents are not useful: the work is done with clean trousers.

Jeans are immersed in boiling water and kept in water for 10 to 15 minutes. In another container (you can use it in the bath). From boiling water, the item is immediately immersed in cold water for 2–3 minutes. Now all that remains is to wring out, dry and iron the pants using steam.

Machine washable

When using a washing machine, you only need the wash function at maximum temperature (95°), without rinsing! The highest temperature is also needed for drying. You can also use a hot battery.

Important! Having the ability to shrink from hot water, jeans can also stretch during wear. Therefore, washing can be reduced, but not more than 2 weeks.

Using stitching

Washing is usually used as a temporary method. To permanently change the size, the trousers are sutured. The work is carried out both on the entire product and on individual parts that have become problematic.

Materials and tools you will need when working with jeans at home

Hemming jeansIf you are constantly doing handicrafts, you will have all the necessary tools at hand. The rest of the girls and women need to prepare the following:

  • threads matching the color;
  • needles for basting and stitching;
  • pins;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • wide elastic band;
  • sewing machine.

Having an assistant is very helpful!

How to sew jeans that are too big

We'll tell you how you can sew jeans in different places.

How to sew jeans in at the waist. Instructions

The most common case is when the trousers fit well, but are clearly too big in the waist. There are several ways to fix this.

Easy way

Big jeansWear jeans and add a few tucks to the waistband to make it shorter. You've got some kind of darts. Try to distribute them evenly without collecting all the excess fabric in one place.

Secure the hoods with pins. After this, you need to carefully secure the belt at the darts and carefully sew them up. The fabric that turns out to be excess is cut off, after which the belt is sewn again.

Important! Try not to make too long darts in the back, on the buttocks: this will tighten and shorten the back of the legs.

The hard way

This method will take more time, but will please you with the result.

The work begins with undoing the belt loops and labels located at the back. After this, you need to carefully rip off the waistband (10 cm from the seam in each direction) and the crotch seam (8 cm). We carry out work with the back seam:

  • secure the excess fabric with pins;
  • we baste and check during fitting;
  • if necessary, we make adjustments, after which we perform a machine seam;
  • on the front side we make a double seam with a thread matching the color of the stitching.

Continuing work, we sew up the opened crotch seam and also perform topstitching. After that we move on to the belt. Having measured how long it should be after sewing, we cut off the excess fabric, not forgetting to take into account the seaming allowances in the calculations. We sew on the shortened belt, return the back loop and the brand label to the product. Work is done!

Important! In order for the product to look high-quality after alteration, do not forget to promptly remove all old threads after ripping and properly iron the seams after ripping out the old ones and making new ones.

Reducing the size using a wide elastic band

Elastic waistband jeansAnother way to reduce the waist of jeans requires a wide elastic band. Getting to work, we trim the belt from the wrong side at the back of the trousers.

Cut off the elastic (you need a length that is slightly less than the waistline on the back). We fasten the elastic band to the waist with pins and try on the pants. If the elastic has not tightened the belt enough, we adjust its length with pins. After this, sew on the elastic and then the belt. Now your jeans will fit perfectly at your waist. And only a small gather will be visible on the back of the belt.

How to sew jeans at the hips. Instructions

If jeans dangle at the hips, they are sewn in this place. First, they outline how much tissue needs to be removed. To do this, wear trousers turned inside out and pin the excess material.

After removing the jeans, mark the seam line from the inside with chalk or pencil. After this, they rip off the belt and pocket, rip out the side seam and make a new one. Finally, make 2 decorative stitches from the face of the product.

How to sew jeans on the back seam. Instructions

You can remove unnecessary volumes in the buttocks area by redoing the back seam. In this case, you will also have to first remove the loop and label from the back. The trousers are then put on to mark and secure how much extra fabric needs to be sewn.

After removing the jeans, a basting seam is made, and after additional fitting, a machine seam is made. After removing excess fabric, the seam is processed, and the face is stitched. The last stage is sewing on the belt, loops and label.

How to sew jeans on the sides of the legs to change their model (from wide to narrow). Instructions

Hemming jeansIf fashion has taken a rapid turn and the recently purchased jeans clearly do not fit into it, do not immediately move them away. When switching from wide or flared trousers to narrow ones, everything can be corrected.

Algorithm of actions:

  • We put on the jeans inside out and mark with pins the desired width of the trousers.

Important! If flared trousers are altered, the jeans are tapered below the knee, and when working with wide legs - along their entire length.

  • After taking off the jeans, make a basting and check it during fitting.
  • If the preliminary seam does not need adjustment, machine stitching is performed.
  • Iron the product and then cut off the excess material.
  • Perform processing and external stitching.

Tips for reducing your jeans size at home

Reducing your jeans size on your own will require perseverance and painstaking work. The experience of experienced craftswomen will help.

Tips for sewing jeans:

  • Carry out the work on a clean product that has already been worn. This way you will see how much the jeans stretch as you wear them.
  • Take your time and don't rush! It is better to do an additional fitting to adjust the pants to your figure than to ruin the item.
  • Do not rip the legs of your trousers completely, turning them into a skirt: not everyone can sew them correctly in the crotch area on their own.
  • Use double stitching and extra stitches at the end of the seam to improve the quality of your work.

Perform all actions carefully and carefully, and you will succeed!

Reviews and comments
G Galina:

If I wanted to buy jeans or a denim skirt, but they turned out to be too big for me, I put a belt in them, and if jeans with denim skirts suit my figure, I still don’t wear them without a belt. I believe that for beauty, clothes also need to be tightened with a belt; without a belt, clothes look somehow banal, but this is my opinion, even for beauty, I never refuse to put a belt in jeans with denim skirts.A belt will always come in handy for people if their clothes are too big; you definitely can’t wear them without a belt: in this case, the clothes won’t stay on anyone, but people will put the belt on them, and the clothes won’t fall off anymore.

N Hope:

You can’t tighten jeans with a belt if they are, for example, 2-3 sizes too big. I need to make size 44 from 50. I can’t do this without alteration.


