How to quickly dry jeans after washing

It happens that jeans are completely wet, and you need to put them on after a couple of hours. At such a moment, it is worth using the most effective methods to quickly dry the item.

Popular ways to quickly dry jeans

Wet jeansYou won't be able to completely dry your jeans in 10 minutes. If they are completely wet, it will take longer. There are common methods that involve using a hair dryer or iron. It is important to follow some recommendations to quickly get the desired effect.

Using popular household appliances - iron, hair dryer

There are several methods for blow drying:

  1. Aweigh. The jeans are turned inside out and secured with clothespins. Turn on the hair dryer and run it around the entire perimeter of the product. Pay special attention to the area where the seams, pockets, and fly are located. Keep the hair dryer at a distance of at least 20 cm from the item.
  2. Inflating. The product is laid out on the table. Tuck up the bottom of the pant leg and waistband. Secure this position with needles so that the fabric does not unravel.A hairdryer is inserted into the pant leg and turned on. Periodically, it is worth turning your trouser legs inside out.

Blow drying will take about an hour. Another method is to use an iron. It is necessary to place the towel on the surface so that it absorbs all the moisture. Jeans are laid out on top. The last layer will be the sheet. It is needed to absorb steam. Do not set the iron to high temperature, otherwise you may damage the fabric. Avoid using steam. Just iron the item gently and slowly, turning it over regularly. When finishing the procedure, pay special attention to areas with denser tissue. Wait a while before putting on your jeans. Otherwise your knees will swell.

Drying denim trousers quickly using a radiator

Most have heating only in the winter season, which imposes restrictions on drying; it is not available all year round.

Important! Use this method carefully. Jeans may shrink several times in size.

The product is turned inside out and wrapped around the battery. It is recommended to change sides and turn the item inside out every 20 minutes.

Dry your jeans after washing at home with a towel or cotton rag.

JeansAnother method for drying jeans is to use a towel or rag. It is important to follow the instructions to do everything correctly and dry the item effectively.

Instructions for instantly drying jeans with a towel

A dry towel is laid out on the surface. The product is placed on top. They begin to roll everything into a tight bundle, as happens when squeezing things out. The action must be repeated several times. The towel will gradually become wet, so change it to a dry one every time. It will not be possible to achieve complete drying, but the situation can be significantly improved.

Original ways to quickly dry jeans in 5 minutes

In addition to those listed, there are very original methods. They are non-standard, but they allow you to make things much drier.

In a hot oven

It is a fire hazard. Therefore, it is important to act carefully. The jeans are placed on a cabinet door or rack inside the oven. The equipment is preheated to 100 degrees. The item is folded so that “wrinkles” do not form. The closet door opens slightly and jeans are placed on them. Turn them over every 10 minutes to ensure even drying.

Attention! Make sure the oven is completely clean before using this method. No grease or food smell.

On myself

Drying jeans on yourselfIf the item is not completely wet, but only slightly damp, you can dry it by putting it on yourself. This will avoid the formation of wrinkles and everything will dry quickly enough. But if the product is thoroughly wet, this method will not work.

How to dry wet jeans in 5 minutes in a strong draft

The process with a draft differs in its speed. Sometimes 30 minutes is enough. But you can use the method only in warm, sunny weather. You should act in this order:

  1. The jeans are turned inside out.
  2. Hang them on the balcony or in the room. In the latter case, you need to open the window wide.
  3. To ensure everything dries evenly, turn the item over regularly.

Compliance with safety rules when quickly drying jeans after washing (in the oven, using household electrical appliances)

Some of the proposed methods are particularly dangerous. Therefore, it is important to follow safety rules. The oven must be in full working order; do not close the door completely. When using the iron, do not set the temperature to maximum. The hairdryer may burn out when drying.Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor all actions taken.

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