How to whiten jeans at home

Jeans is a dense and other fabric that easily lends itself to various experiments - dyeing, the formation of scuffs and holes, bleaching. There are about ten ways to change the color of denim pants to a lighter color. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right materials and means for lightening.

Why you may need to bleach denim pants

Bleached jeansToday, women (less often men) bleach their jeans for the following purposes:

  1. It’s inexpensive to get a fashionable wardrobe item, because in stores such bleached trousers cost twice or three times more than regular models.
  2. Hide the stain in a visible place.
  3. Turn those denim pants that have been sitting on the top shelf of your closet for years into a fashionable wardrobe staple.

Often the reason for a risky experiment is the desire to become the owner of fashionable jeans without spending half, and sometimes the entire monthly salary on it. Both girls and adult women who want to keep up with the times bleach denim trousers.

Ways to whiten jeans at home

You can whiten denim pants at home using various means - natural or chemical. Before starting the procedure, you need to conduct an experiment on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. This will help determine which substance performed the task better without harming the material.

Hydrogen peroxide to the rescue

Hydrogen peroxideUsing a pharmaceutical product - hydrogen peroxide, you can safely lighten jeans by several tones. There are two ways - soaking in a solution of water and peroxide, washing in a washing machine with the addition of peroxide to the powder. To perform whitening using the first method, you need to take 5 tbsp. l. Mix peroxide with 10 liters of water, soak pants in the liquid for 30 minutes.

In order for the lightening to be uniform, you need to stir the soaked pants every 3-5 minutes, squeezing them lightly, as when washing. Second method – add 3 tablets of the drug Hydroperit (hydrogen peroxide in tablets) in crushed form to the washing powder while washing in an automatic machine.

Barely noticeable lightening effect after washing in soda solution

Soda solutionA low-cost and safe (for fabric, health) way to make dark jeans lighter is to wash them in a soda solution. To do this, mix 100 g of baking soda with 80 g of washing powder and add hot water (60–70 degrees).

When the powder has completely dissolved and the water has cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees, you need to place jeans turned inside out into the solution and leave for 60–90 minutes. Then wring out the pants, rinse with warm water and dry in the open air. The procedure can be repeated with each wash, each time the fabric will turn white.

Proper whitening with cleaning agents

BleachSynthetic detergents designed for cleaning bathrooms, sinks, and toilets can be used as a bleaching agent for denim pants. To do this, mix 100 ml of the substance (Toilet duck, Domestos, Whiteness) with 3 liters of water, stir and place denim pants in the solution.

There is no fixed duration of the procedure - it is necessary to monitor the intensity of lightening and when the color approaches the desired one, remove the product from the water. After such bleaching, the trousers must be washed and rinsed thoroughly 2-3 times.

Natural harmless brightening agent – ​​citric acid

Lemon acidNatural acids practically do not destroy the texture of denim fibers, so lemon is the safest option for bleaching. I use the sour product in two forms - freshly squeezed juice and powder.

To lighten, you need to take 10 tsp. citric acid in crystals or 10 tbsp. l. lemon juice, pour a bucket of warm water, stir and immerse the trousers in the liquid. To achieve a visible lightening effect, you need to keep your pants in the solution for 4-5 hours, then rinse and dry.

How to carefully bleach jeans without ruining them

To prevent the bleaching procedure from ruining the product forever, you need to choose the right product. If the product is made from denim, broken twill or stretch, then even soaking in Domestos or boiling will practically not harm the trousers.

In cases where jeans are made from a lower quality type of fabric - gin - the bleaching procedure should be carried out using soda, citric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

How to effectively bleach jeans white

WhiteA chlorine-based detergent and disinfectant, Bleach, is often used to whiten jeans.There are two methods - washing with added whiteness and boiling. The first method is suitable for light-colored trousers, which need to be lightened by 2-3 tones with minimal harm to the material.

The essence of the procedure: dilute 100 sl in 10 liters of water. white, then trousers are placed in the liquid, soaked for 30 minutes, and then washed with powder. Digestion is a more complex and effective process.

Detailed instructions for traditional bleaching

To carry out the action, you need to take a metal bucket or pan of 10 liters, whitewash and a wooden stick for stirring. Next, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Fill the container with water, dilute with 100 ml of white.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Dip the item in hot water until it is evenly wet.
  4. Leave the denim pants in the pan with the bleach for 7-15 minutes.
  5. Remove the pants from the water, wring them out and rinse 3 times.

After the procedure, you need to dry your jeans in the open air. It is important that the product is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Features of the digestion procedure

You can achieve uneven lightening and the formation of fashionable stains and patterns using plastic clothespins, elastic bands and hair clips. Before dipping your jeans into water, you need to pin or tie the desired areas with additional items. To prevent rusty stains from remaining on your pants after bleaching, you should not use hairpins or elastic bands with metal parts.


Even black tight jeans can turn white if you choose the right bleaching method. Before you begin the procedure, you need to read the composition of the fabric. With a competent approach to action, jeans can quickly be transformed from old, out-of-date ones into fashionable, stylish ones.

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