How to remove grass from jeans

Jeans stained on the grassJeans help out in a variety of situations, which is why everyone loves them! Proper care of comfortable clothing will prolong the enjoyment of wearing them. To make your trousers look pleasing, it is not always possible to do with regular washing. Some contaminants require special treatment. These include green grass spots.

Features of grass trails:

  • The herb contains particularly strong dyes. They are formed from dried green pigment.
  • The loose structure leads to rapid impregnation of the fabric fibers with dye.

We'll tell you which methods of washing jeans are the most effective.

How to Remove Grass Stains on Jeans Without Remaining Stains

Washing remains the main option for cleaning pants. But it has its secrets and rules.

Rules for removing grass marks

The process of removing grass residue from jeans includes 3 stages.


HandwashWashing green-dyed jeans requires pre-soaking.It is not recommended to use hot water for this, as it will make the protein dye even more durable. For soaking you need cool water or liquid at room temperature.

Impact on the stain

After soaking for 2–3 hours, the dirt is washed with laundry soap or laundry detergent. Leave the pants in this form for 15 minutes to give the soap solution a chance to work on the grass marks.

Machine washable

Washing machineAt the final stage, the trousers are washed in a machine, following the recommendations for using household appliances.

Important! The result of the work largely depends on the “age” of the stain. The sooner you start cleaning your pants, the less secure the dye fibers are attached to the fabric fibers. Therefore, jeans with green stains should be washed immediately after stains are discovered.

There is another way - exposure of grass to boiling water. It is effective in removing fresh stains. After bringing the water to a boil, pour it onto the problem area. There should be enough boiling water so that the contaminated area is well saturated with liquid. The “Boiling” mode is also selected for subsequent machine washing of pants.

If after washing the marks are not completely removed, they need to be processed additionally. To do this, you can choose a special stain remover or use folk remedies.

How to use stain removers

The main thing when using special substances designed to remove stains is the result without damaging the fabric.

Rules for working with stain remover

Choosing the right stain remover

Treating stainsWhen choosing a product, you need to carefully read the composition of the substance. To remove contamination, it is recommended to use substances that do not contain chlorine.

Important! It is best to use stain removers for colored items when working with jeans. Products for white fabrics may leave streaks on denim.

Checking the reaction of the substance

Using a stain remover with some chlorine requires prior testing. It’s easy to check the reaction: you need to see how the material from the inside of the belt reacts to a small amount of the substance. If after drying there are marks (stains or stains) on the belt, it is better not to use this product.

We study the recommendations for use and treat the stain.

Each product has specific uses. If you strictly follow them, you will be able to clean your jeans so that there are no marks left on them. Apply the substance to a dry or damp cloth, use the powder or dilute it with water first; other subtleties of the effect are contained in the instructions, from which you must not deviate!

Important! Strictly adhere to processing times. The standard treatment time for green spots is from 40 to 60 minutes. Do not leave the substance for longer, as this may damage the structure of the fibers.

Washing jeans

At the end of the exposure, we put the trousers in the washing machine, adding to the compartment, in addition to the detergents, the stain remover that was used to treat the stain.

How to remove grass marks on jeans

Green stains on trousers are not only susceptible to chemicals. You can get rid of them using the most common means that you have at hand.

Using improvised means

Natural dyes will not cause much harm to trousers if they are immediately treated with some household product.

Let's get acquainted with substances that are used traditionally and give good results in removing grass marks.

Salt solution

Salt treatmentYou will need a saturated salt solution.Add salt (2-3 liters) to 0.5 cups of water and dissolve completely. Pour the solution onto the stain and leave for 10 minutes, after which the pants are washed in the machine.


If you generously moisten the trace left by the grass with wine vinegar, leave it for 60 minutes, and then wash your jeans, there will be no stains left on them. You can use both table and wine vinegar.

Alcohol solution

A solution of ammonia also has a similar effect on greens. When using it, perform a similar procedure. Fabric dyed green is moistened with an alcohol solution, allowed to act on the dirt for 30 minutes, then washed. Usually the pants become clean the first time.


Soda solutionBaking soda is an effective remedy in the fight against green marks from grass. To do this, do not use dry soda, but a slurry formed with a small amount of water. The mixture is applied to the dirty area of ​​the trousers, rubbing into the stain, and left for 20 minutes.

Options for using soda are practiced.

Soda and boiling water.

The problem area is first poured generously with boiling water, then the soda mixture is rubbed in, left for 20–30 minutes, then washed.

Soda and vinegar.

Dry soda is poured onto the fabric, vinegar is poured on top, then the pants are rinsed and washed.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxidePeroxide removes green from pants by affecting the pigment. There is no need to pour peroxide on your jeans. The dirty area is treated with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Finish the treatment by washing.

Important! It is not recommended to use peroxide to treat dark trousers (black, brown or dark blue): traces of treatment will be visible in the lighter area of ​​the fabric.


Applying toothpaste to the dirt left by the grass will help restore the cleanliness of your jeans.You only need to use white paste for this. Using the paste is easy; just apply it to the problem area and leave until the substance dries. After this, the dry paste is cleaned off the trousers and washed.

Lemon acid

Lemon acidAnother assistant in the fight against pollution is lemon. You can use fresh juice by squeezing it onto the stain. Or you can dissolve citric acid powder. Washing is carried out after citric acid for 30 minutes. affected the material.

Unusual ways to remove green spots (using cabbage brine, soda, glycerin)

In addition to traditional options, you can get the desired result using unusual methods.

Cabbage brine

Since acidic and salty environments successfully affect greens, cabbage brine can also be used to remove stains. It is poured onto the dirt, left for 30 minutes, then the jeans are washed.


Carbonated mineral water removes grass from jeans in 2 hours. The liquid is poured onto the fabric, left for the specified time, then the pants are washed.

Important! You should not use sweet, colorful soda to clean your trousers: the chemical components in its composition can give an unexpected result, affecting the color of the trousers.


Glycerin will become a stain remover if you mix a small amount of the substance with 2 egg whites. After thorough mixing, apply the mixture to the jeans, leave for 2 hours, and rinse to remove the mixture. Finally, the trousers are washed.

Tips for effectively removing grass stains from jeans

  • If you see a grass stain on your jeans, do not try to clean it off. It will not be possible to achieve a result, but the size of the contamination may increase due to rubbing.
  • When treating a stain with any product, start from its borders.The correct direction of movement: from the edge of the spot to its center.
  • If the stain was not treated immediately after it appeared and had time to “age”, you need to increase the exposure time. In such cases, the cleaner is kept on the material for up to 3 hours, then the jeans are washed.
  • Not all stains can be removed with one treatment. In this case, repeated exposure is carried out.

Green stains on jeans are not forever! Removing them takes time and care, but the result is worth it!

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