How to iron tulle

Ironing tulleTulle is a fabric that requires careful handling and therefore caring for it requires compliance with certain rules. This also applies to ironing this material.

You can iron tulle products in several different ways. Each of the methods we have given has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choose the option that suits you best. It all depends on where you are at that moment, what devices you have at hand and what exactly needs to be put in order.

How to smooth out tulle at home from wrinkles and creases (5 methods)

Using an iron

Using an ironThis is the most famous and accessible method to everyone. The only pity is that it requires a lot of time and effort, and an iron and ironing board are not always at hand, for example, when traveling. How to iron tulle correctly?

In order not to burn or spoil this lightweight mesh fabric, you need to select the ironing mode for ironing delicate fabrics (if there is no such mode, set the lowest temperature) and iron the product through a thin cloth or gauze. If necessary, it is acceptable to gradually increase the temperature, but remember that high temperatures will burn the fabric.

The soleplate of the iron must be clean, otherwise you risk ruining the material. The steam function cannot be used when ironing this material. If the clothes have decorative elements (beads, beads, rhinestones), it is better to iron the area of ​​​​the fabric with them through a terry towel. The sleeves of the dress should be ironed using a special stand, which is usually included with the ironing board.

Using a hairdryer and spray bottle

HairdryerThese two items simulate the operation of a steamer if you don't have one. The material must first be moistened with a spray bottle, and then blown on it with a hot hairdryer so that the folds straighten out. You need to set the hairdryer to the highest temperature setting. An accessible and economical way, it will come in handy on the road or before a performance, when you need to quickly put your outfit in order and have nothing at hand.

Using a hot bath or shower

ShowerThis method was familiar to our grandmothers. It is quite lazy and simple: you need to fill the bathtub with hot water and hang the tulle product over the bathtub for several hours. With the help of steam in the room, the material will gradually smooth out on its own, without any extra effort on your part.

Using a hot kettle

This method is suitable if you do not need to iron the entire dress, but only smooth out wrinkles in a small area. Just hold the problem area over the steam of a boiling kettle to loosen it. This method will come in handy when traveling if you don’t have an iron and you have an electric kettle nearby.

Using a steam generator

Steam generatorThis is the least modern method in which you will spend the least time and effort.You just need to hang the outfit on a hanger and iron it on the weight with a steamer several times from the top of the item to the bottom. To iron the sleeves, use a small attachment, after placing a towel under them and a thin cloth on them. For curtains made of tulle, this method is ideal, because you can iron even more damp curtains that weigh up to cornice.

Other ironing options

Of course, you don’t have to bother yourself with home methods of ironing capricious tulle, but simply take it to the nearest dry cleaner. But keep in mind that it may get wrinkled again upon delivery. And you most likely don’t need the extra financial costs.

How to prevent the appearance of folds and creases in tulle

In order not to deal with bruises on tulle, it is better to immediately try to prevent their occurrence. To do this, you just need to learn how to properly wash and dry products made from this delicate material.

Important! Proper washing and drying will save you from having to iron out tulle!

Rules for washing and drying material:

  • It is preferable to wash tulle by hand or it is acceptable to do it in a washing machine using the “delicate fabrics” mode.
  • Washing should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.
  • The speed of the washing machine drum must be set low so that the fabric does not deform or wrinkle.
  • Conditioner added during washing can reduce creases in the fabric.
  • To add brightness to colored tulle, you can add a little table vinegar to the water when rinsing.
  • When washing by hand, it is not recommended to wring or twist the product; it is better to hang it on hangers for a while. When washing in a machine, also try to do without spinning or set the “delicate spin” mode.
  • After washing, it is recommended to shake items made from this material thoroughly to help them straighten out better. You can insert tubes rolled from thick paper into the sleeves of the dress so that they do not wrinkle again.
  • It is not recommended to dry tulle items in the washing machine if it has such a mode.
  • By air drying the fabric vertically, you will avoid unnecessary folds and creases.
  • You can iron the material while still wet, using a cloth and an iron temperature of no more than 100 degrees. It is more convenient to iron an outfit starting with large parts.

Tulle skirtsWe hope our article helped you find the answer to the question: “How to iron tulle easily and simply?” And now you know what to do to make your wedding dress, veil, skirts or performance costumes look neat.

As you can see, putting tulle items in order is not so difficult if you know some little tricks. The methods and tips we have given will help you preserve your outfits made from this capricious but beautiful translucent material for a long time, whether at home or on a trip.

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