How to process the edge of tulle

Method 1. Processing the edge of the tulle by attaching fishing line

Tulle and fishing lineCan be used to process carnival costumes, fluffy dresses or ballroom skirts. After processing, the fabric gracefully lies in ruffles, which gives the item a decorative look. This method can be used to decorate the edge of tulle, silks, chiffon and other materials.

You will need

  • A skein of fishing line of medium thickness (it should hold its shape).
  • Product made of tulle.
  • Sewing machine.
  • A skein of thread.
  • Jar or other container.

Work progress

We decide on the size of the shuttlecocks. The resulting shuttlecocks depend on the shape of the winding. For example, for large shuttlecocks a standard skein is suitable, but for smaller “lambs” it is recommended to wind the fishing line around the neck of a small jar. The tip of the fishing line is tied in a knot at the neck. The diameter will depend on the size of the neck of the container. This could be a bottle cap, a mug, a large coffee can, etc.

The container with the wound fishing line is fixed on top using ordinary thread. Place a pan of water on the stove.Let it boil, lower the jar there for 10 minutes. After boiling, cool the fishing line in cold water. The “hardened” fishing line holds its shape on any fabric, even a coat.

So, prepare a skein of fishing line with the diameter you like. We remove the end of the fishing line, placing it between two layers of fabric. We stitch with a zigzag on a sewing machine (setting the mode to two or three).
We continue to do the same along the entire length of the product.

If desired, different diameters of fishing line can be combined during operation.
For beauty, the edge should be trimmed on top with bias tape in bright colors. It will be just right for a girl's party dress. For example, pink, yellow, mint or another shade.

We attach a ribbon along the edge. This technique is often used for ballroom dresses, costumes or dances.

Finishing the edge with fishing line can be done on any fabric. The main thing is to choose the size of the zigzag so that it covers the fishing line wrapped in fabric. In this case, the fishing line should not fall out, but should be reinforced with stitches.

Method 2. Finishing the edge of the tulle with a solid satin ribbon and sewing a skirt

You will need:

Processing tulle with satin ribbon

  • A roll of tulle with a width of 3 meters.
  • Satin ribbon 4 centimeters wide (the same shade as tulle or a contrasting shade).
  • Elastic band with a width of 2 centimeters.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Threads.

The amount of materials used depends on the size of the person for whom the skirt is being sewn.

Work progress

We carry out the necessary calculations

First of all, we need to calculate how many linear meters of fabric will be needed to sew a skirt. The calculation is carried out according to the formula: Ф=П*2*Д. In it, P means pomp or the number of blanks that will be needed for sewing (from 3 to 6 pieces). The width of each piece is 3 meters. D – product length, can vary from 0.15 to 0.45 meters.

We calculate the satin ribbon.To do this, we need the formula: L = (P*3*2)+0.5. In it, P is the number of blanks for the skirt, the number “Z” is the width of the fabric roll, the number “2” is the number of layers of fabric, and the number “0 , 5" is the amount of ribbon for the waist bow.

We will make a skirt for a girl aged 2–4 years, 91–115 centimeters tall. Product length: 25 cm. To make it, we will need one and a half meters of fabric, we take 3 blanks (pomp), the width of the roll is 3 meters. In total we will need 18.5 meters of satin ribbon.

Cutting fabric into pieces

We iron the tulle, fold it in half and lay it on the tiled floor. The width of the laid out fabric should be no more than one and a half meters.

Align the edge of the fabric: we place the fabric in the seam of the tile, so that the opposite edge, where we folded the fabric, also lies in the other seam of the tile. So, we create a right angle.
We press down the tulle against some objects so that it does not move on the tiled floor. Cut the edge along the seam of the tile. We put the scissors in the groove so that they do not slip.

We cut off a piece of 50 centimeters, again relying on the tile for calculations and using a ruler. We measure the fabric on both sides. We cut all the material 50 centimeters to the end of the fabric.
We place the blanks on top of each other, achieving a smooth edge by cutting along the tile seam.

The tulle is sewn only along the lobe. Because when stretched, the material easily returns to its shape and does not stretch.

Working with blanks

Iron the fabric by folding it in half and ironing. The edges should match. Thus, we prepare all our blanks for the skirt.

We adjust the stitch length on the sewing machine and start sewing. Make a stitch at a distance of 2 centimeters from the fold. We don’t complete the first piece a little, insert the second one into it (or lightly overlap their corners) and continue sewing.Thus, we connect all the details.

Working with Ribbon

Satin ribbonWe open the unsewn edge of the parts and sew the ribbon onto the tulle. First we pass the edge of the tape with a lighter. The stitches should be exactly in the center of the ribbon. Sew the edges of the tape together.

We do the same with the second side of the tulle. We adjust the tape so that it “looks” in one direction.

The top of the skirt (where there was a 2 centimeter indentation from the edge) is also sewn and an elastic band is threaded. The rubber band must be very stiff.

We assemble the skirt and separate the layers of tulle. To do this, pull the top layer up and separate both layers of material near the waist.

We correct the ribbon again and lay it out with flounces.

Visually, the skirt will look like a ballerina’s tutu. It will be airy and light. The waistline should be decorated with a bank of leftover ribbon.

Conclusion. Conclusions from the article.

It is not too difficult to process the edge of tulle beautifully if the housewife has a little patience, dexterity and the simplest materials at hand. This can be done using a regular satin ribbon or even a rigid ribbon. With the help of such simple materials, the skirt will acquire a beautiful festive look and airiness. This way you can create ruffles on almost any skirt.

An outfit made of tulle with frills is good for a holiday, dance class or training. These methods are perfect not only for decorating children's clothing, but also for decorating evening wear.

Reviews and comments
A Alexandra:

It’s quite difficult to understand the description; you have to guess what the master missed in the story. it's inconvenient without a photo


