Does cotton shrink after washing?

Cotton has conquered the world thanks to its unique properties. Products made from this breathable and hygroscopic fabric are suitable in any weather. You feel comfortable in them both in summer and winter.

However, it should be remembered that Cotton, like any other natural material, shrinks. This happens if you wash things at temperatures above 40º, spin at high speeds and use tumble drying. As a result, the item can be reduced to 6% in length and 3% in width. If you plan to wash cotton items, such as children's items, in hot water, it is better to purchase them a size larger.

Durable, inexpensive and comfortable

Cotton is obtained from mature cotton fruits. The fabric is an interweaving of thin fluffy and soft fibers, slightly twisted around its own axis. The length of the raw material fibers largely determines the type of finished fabric. So, calico, chintz, flannel, cambric, poplin, twill, flannel, etc. have a cotton base.

Depending on the density of the material, they sew from it:

  • summer clothes;
  • underwear;
  • jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses for cold weather;
  • bedding, curtains, tablecloths and other household textiles.

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Properties of cotton fabric

It has both significant advantages and some disadvantages. However, knowing the basic rules of care and following them during operation, problems can be avoided.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Strength, lightness, softness.
  2. Hypoallergenic.
  3. Hygroscopicity.
  4. High degree of thermal insulation. A lot of air is retained between the numerous fibers, thanks to which the product retains body heat well.
  5. Affordability.
  6. Not damaged by insects.


  1. It gets dirty easily and doesn't wash well.
  2. Shrinks after washing.
  3. White things turn yellow over time.

Individual characteristics:

  • dries slowly;
  • easily wrinkles;
  • has average abrasion resistance;
  • lends itself well to painting.

Caring for cotton products

The thick fabric can withstand up to 50 washes without significantly changing its appearance and properties. But how to wash cotton correctly, so that it shrinks less and does not discolor?
Washing cotton

Machine washable

Before the advent of modern powders and gels, it was necessary to resort to boiling. Without this procedure, it was impossible to remove stubborn dirt. Today there are effective laundry detergents with complex chemical compositions that allow you to do without boiling.

Washing machines have a program for washing cotton (the water is heated to a temperature of 90ºC). Thanks to maximum mechanical and thermal effects, washing powder fully realizes its functions.If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is enough to use the soaking program with washing powder provided in the machine for 30 minutes. This method is quite effective, because the cotton does not just lie there, but is subjected to periodic mechanical stress when the drum rotates. The result is saving time and physical effort.

Important! To obtain a good result, it is important to rinse repeatedly so that dirt and detergent residues between the fibers are completely removed.

Washing cotton by hand

Powders intended for automatic machines are not suitable for hand washing. Here they are ineffective because they foam less, and the physical strength of human hands is significantly inferior to a machine gun. Delicate items should be washed at 40ºC using a mild detergent. Instead of powder or gel, you can prepare the following composition: 2 tbsp. l. Grate laundry soap and dissolve in 10 liters of warm water. Soak things for a while: from ten minutes, if you need to refresh the laundry, to five hours. After washing, you need to rinse it well, changing the water several times.

High quality fabricIf white linen is heavily soiled, soak for 24 hours. To do this, dissolve 4 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. washing powder and 4 tbsp. l. turpentine. After a day, wash the clothes.

To remove old stains, prepare a solution: 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. After soaking in it, wash things in warm water with detergent.

By the way! The fabric will be softer and easier to iron if you rinse it in water with a special product or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Rules for success

It happens that you need to specifically help the cotton shrink, that is, reduce the size of the product.For example, a person has lost weight and the previously purchased wardrobe has become large. Then you should try washing the product in a washing machine at a temperature of 60 ºC. Using the automatic drying function will also help. In other cases, you should remember:

  1. White linen made of thick linen can be washed at a temperature of 90ºC. The use of oxygen bleach is encouraged. It is recommended to exclude chlorine, as it will ruin both the fabric and the machine. Clean clothes can be spun at 800 rpm.
  2. Fragile and colored items should be washed separately. The temperature should be no more than 30-40ºС. Use only mild detergents for colored laundry that do not contain bleach. Spin at minimum speed or manually.
  3. In order to reduce abrasion on the front side of the fabric, it is better to turn the product inside out before washing. All buttons and zippers must be fastened.
  4. Dry properly at room temperature, excluding exposure to sunlight. Delicate items of clothing - on a horizontal surface so that they are less deformed.
  5. Slightly damp material is easier to iron.

If you follow the basic recommendations, cotton items will last a long time, retain their rich color and presentable appearance.

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