The beneficial properties of flax and its energy are unique

In ancient times, it was linen that people preferred to wear in Rus'. Holidays and folk festivals were dedicated to him. It was known as a useful and practical material. The craftsmen had a special cultivation technique that made it possible to produce light, delicate fabric.

Why was flax worn in Rus' since ancient times?

Properties of flax In Rus', this fabric was valued for its cleansing and conservation characteristics. Products made from this material are practical, convenient and comfortable to wear. In ancient times, linen was highly valued; the cost of clothing made from this material was determined by weight. The material was worth its weight in gold.

Holidays were dedicated to flax, usually celebrated at the end of spring. Linen linen was given to newlyweds so that illness would bypass them. They wrapped babies in blankets so that they would grow healthy and strong, and they bandaged soldiers so that their wounds would heal.The following sayings remain to this day: if flax seeds are placed in shoes, they will last longer; if seeds are sewn into clothes, they can be protected from the evil eye.

Amazing energy properties of fabric clothing

energy properties of linen clothingAny material that a person wears has a special energy field. It is believed that flax has the ability to dissipate energy:

  • if you communicate with children in your garden, this property of the fabric will be useful;
  • if you communicate with colleagues at work, in a controversial situation, flax creates difficulties in concentrating;
  • If you feel tired or are thinking about something, but don’t know how to voice your thought, then you can wear linen, which will help you find the right solution and accurately express your thought. The fabric is a favorite for many people. For example, according to popular belief, it is not recommended to wear linen clothes to negotiations.

Important: In the modern market, linen is very popular among many people.

Linen is an excellent antiseptic:

  • medicinal properties prevent the proliferation of pathogens and bacteria;
  • helps get rid of itching, burning, inflammation, skin diseases. Flax yarn is counted at 2 rubles. more reliable than cotton, 3 rubles. stronger than wool.

Linen is hygroscopic, has the property of absorbing moisture and “removing” heat. This fabric is useful and improves human well-being in hot climates. Water can evaporate from linen clothing quickly. As a result, the material remains clean and fresh.

Flax does not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions and can stop the development of pathogenic microbes. The material contains silica in the fibers, which prevents rotting.

Sleeping on linen sheets strengthens the immune system

Sleeping on linen sheetsLinen products reduce the impact of harmful environmental factors, do not accumulate electricity, and therefore do not stick to the body or wrinkle. The fabric warms a person in winter, and on hot summer days it gives a feeling of coolness and lightness.

Under a linen blanket, you get the impression that your body temperature has dropped. Compared to cotton products, which can turn yellow over time, linen clothing gradually begins to turn white.

Experts advise choosing these products for people with problematic or sensitive skin, who suffer from skin diseases, allergy sufferers, and asthmatics. Clothes made from linen are considered useful. Scientists believe that linen reduces the degree of radiation by 2 times and reduces gamma radiation.

Linen products can protect a person from solar radiation and exposure to ultraviolet rays. These clothes wash quickly and are easy to iron and dry.

The material is manufactured without herbicides or pesticides. Therefore, this material is beneficial for skin conditions. People who choose this clothing may experience disappearance of skin problems: prickly heat, chronic eczema. This material has antibacterial characteristics and antifungal properties.

Important: These characteristics are present due to the special structure of the fabric - the fiber contains natural phenol compounds. Compared to artificial ones, which are harmful to the human body, natural phenols pose a danger mainly to those microorganisms that parasitize on human skin. This explains the benefits of this fabric in the treatment of skin diseases.

In addition, wounds heal easily under the influence of tissue. In surgery, flax wool is often used:

  • this material eliminates unpleasant odors due to the presence of natural antibacterial and antifungal components;
  • and also reduces humidity levels. This material is suitable in all its properties for children and adults; various products, blankets, and underwear are sewn from it, which are not only convenient and comfortable, but also beneficial for human skin.

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