Painting nubuck

With prolonged use or improper care, shoes begin to lose their natural color. Products made from nubuck have a particularly capricious structure. These shoes have a bright and attractive appearance, but require regular care. You can paint and significantly update products yourself by using a few tricks.

Features of painting nubuck shoes

Painting nubuck shoes
Painting yourself has several advantages. Such actions will not only help update your appearance, but also significantly save personal finances. Modern specialized companies provide a range of similar services. The disadvantage of this treatment is the high cost of the procedure. Therefore, doing it yourself will help you save money.

When preparing before carrying out the process, there are several nuances to consider. An important step is the correct selection of paint, or, more precisely, its shade. The surface of the product itself should also be prepared: thoroughly cleaned of dirt and degreased.For full results, it is necessary to follow all actions in strict sequence. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the final result will be of high quality.

How to paint nubuck

how to paint nubuck
An important point in dyeing shoes yourself is the correct selection of the composition. For work, it is recommended to choose paint designed specifically for this material. Manufacturers offer a wide range, among which it is sometimes difficult to make the right choice.

In order to provide nubuck shoes with additional protection, you should use a product such as an activator liquid. It will be useful not only in updating the color. This composition helps create a water-repellent layer that protects products from aggressive moisture. This will allow you to use the shoes in wet weather.

Reference! When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the presence of this impregnation, since it is not present in every composition.

The color palette is of particular importance. To update and maintain the natural shade, you should select a product in accordance with the original tone of the shoe itself.

How to paint nubuck shoes

how to paint nubuck shoes
First of all, shoes or boots should be prepared for painting. To do this, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of visible and stubborn dirt, dust and stains.

Advice! A special double-sided brush with a rubber and soft fleecy coating will help with cleaning.


  • After cleaning, shoes should be dried naturally. It is important to avoid exposure to heating devices, as they have a negative effect on the material.
  • It is advisable to carry out all work in the fresh air, as the paint has a strong odor.
  • To avoid the appearance of streaks and stains, the floor covering is covered with newspapers or paper.
  • The composition is applied in accordance with the attached instructions.
  • In case of significant damage, application of several layers is recommended. For a high-quality result, each layer must dry thoroughly.

Attention! When performing the procedure at home, you should open the windows to provide fresh air. For additional protection, a respirator is useful.

To remove paint stains from the surface of the sole or heel, a clean flannel rag is suitable. After completing the procedure, the shoes must be dried naturally for several hours.

Nubuck shoes are particularly attractive and charming. Long-term use and aggressive environmental influences cause significant damage to the material, which causes the loss of its natural shade. Several methods will help you paint and renew your products yourself.

Reviews and comments
TO Kayfutdin:

Hello. I dyed it from dark to light by simply diluting the pigment in water and alcohol and rubbing the mixture into the nubuck. It painted well and doesn’t wash off even with water, but the paint comes off when washing the shoes with soap. A protective surface layer is needed that is not washed off.Could you recommend something, high quality and preferably inexpensive?


