How to wash polyester thermal underwear

Polyester thermal underwearThermal underwear is especially valued during the cold season. This is not surprising, because it has the function of thermoregulation. In order for these fabric qualities to be preserved, you must be able to care for such things. For example, you need to know how to wash polyester thermal underwear.

Features of washing thermal underwear

The structure of the fabrics from which thermal underwear is made resembles human skin; it is divided into cells. This is what allows you to keep warm, but washing such products has some limitations.

Special recommendations when washing thermal underwear:

  • the water should be no higher than 40 degrees. This is the temperature of the human body, so it is easy to track the correct heating;
  • Before washing, the laundry must be turned inside out;
  • such things cannot be boiled or dry-cleaned;
  • It is not recommended to use aggressive substances or bleaches;
  • no need to use stain removers or solvents;
  • do not use detergents containing chlorine;
  • squeeze without twisting;
  • Dry naturally away from heat sources.

100% PolyesterThe manufacturer indicates the main recommendations on the item's label or packaging. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them before you start washing or cleaning.

It is advisable not to allow the laundry to become heavily soiled, because it will be less able to remove moisture from the body, that is, it will not perform its main task well.

Clothes intended for sports activities should be washed each time after active use. When wearing such things every day, they are washed 2 times a week. Outerwear with thermoregulatory properties should be washed as rarely as possible.


Thermal underwearThe most popular fabric for thermal underwear is polyester, as it has many practical properties. Manufacturers recommend hand washing products made from such fabric, because this is the most gentle method. It is better to use ordinary soap; for complex stains, you can use laundry soap. Do not rub the fabric directly with soap. It’s better to prepare a solution, put the laundry in there, and wait about 30 minutes. This will be enough if things are washed regularly.

You need to rinse things several times in warm water. Soap rinses out of fabric well, which is not the case with powders. If desired, you can use antistatic agents or conditioners, but high-quality linen with a thermal effect usually does not need this.

By machine

Washing with liquid productsPolyester linen can be washed in washing machines. But certain restrictions must be observed. You can only use the mode for delicate fabrics. The temperature must also be observed; hot water above 40 degrees will negatively affect the quality of the material. It is better to choose liquid detergents; they are gentler on polyester.

There are powders for thermal underwear on sale, after which the fabric does not become sticky, as happens when using ordinary detergents. Special powders are a little more expensive, but they have a positive effect on the material. After exposure, the fabric will dry faster, the wearing life of clothes will be extended, and fewer abrasions will appear.

There is no need to add other things to the machine; let the thermal underwear be washed separately. Be sure to turn off the spin mode. Even at low speeds this is unacceptable; the thermal suit will stretch and lose its wonderful qualities.


Polyester dries well, you just need to provide air access to it. In a draft, laundry will become dry very quickly. Push-ups should be carried out using pressing movements, but neither twisting nor squeezing. It is good to let the water drain naturally. Thermal underwear dries quickly in the fresh air. It is advisable to limit exposure to direct sunlight.

There is no need to iron the linen; it can be laid out on a smooth horizontal surface to maintain its shape. But batteries and other heating devices cannot be used for drying for the same reason - valuable properties will be lost.


High-quality thermal underwear is not afraid of washing. Proper care of such things allows you to preserve their appearance and useful qualities for a long time. Thermal effect underwear is becoming very popular. Thanks to its good properties, it is used both for sports and in everyday life.

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