What is made from wool?

Wool is a material that has long been used by people to make products that protect them from the negative effects of external factors. In particular, woolen items ideally protect against the cold and are able to reliably retain internal heat.

What is made from wool?In addition, it is a very soft and durable material, which over the centuries they have learned to paint in a variety of colors. Therefore, today you can buy woolen items of different shades, as well as accessories and interior items made from similar raw materials. It is spun into various types of yarn, and subsequently produced into fabrics and knitwear suitable for sewing clothes. Felting products are also made from wool.

Where and for what is wool used?

The wool of sheep and other animals is widely used in various fields. So, it is used to produce beautiful and expensive carpets, bedding with therapeutic properties, warm clothes for children and adults, as well as various home accessories and decorations.

WoolThanks to the abundance of materials presented in the store, you can even create unique things yourself. Wool has a large number of undeniable advantages, and makes it possible to complement any interior with pleasant and cozy little things.

Depending on the breed and variety of the animal, different types are produced. The most common are:

  • merino (fleece sheared from the withers of a sheep of the same breed, it is very thin, but durable and soft to the touch, retains heat well, is hygroscopic and environmentally friendly, does not cause allergic reactions, it is considered one of the best and is sold at a high cost);
  • alpaca (cut from animals that are a type of llama, it is very light, but at the same time warm and durable, in products it gives a beautiful silk shine that is not lost even after washing, an expensive type of wool);
  • mohair (this is a shear from Angora goats, warm and durable, as comfortable as possible in the products and silky to the touch);
  • camel's wool (the downy underfur of a non-working camel, this fiber is very strong and soft, thinner than sheep’s wool and has a silky sheen);
  • angora (the downy undercoat of Angora rabbits, it has a fluffy structure, soft to the touch and warm);
  • cashmere (the undercoat of high-mountain sheep, the most expensive material for the production of products, it is very soft, has a luxurious shine, and is sophisticated).

In addition to natural types There is also viscose and acrylic. These are synthetic materials that, in all their properties and characteristics, are practically not inferior to natural materials. In addition, viscose is produced from natural raw materials. Moreover, both materials are much cheaper than natural fiber. However, viscose or acrylic items do not have healing properties and are unable to retain heat as well.

Wool is used in the textile industry. It is used to create knitted fabrics or spin threads, which are then sewn or knitted into a variety of clothes. Natural wool can be used to make both outerwear and casual sweaters, cardigans and pullovers. Some types of wool are used as lining in shoes.

Important! The most popular type of product made from natural wool using the felting technique is felt boots. Everyone knows that these are the warmest and most durable shoes for the frosty Russian winter.

How are clothes made from sheep's wool?

Scientists have proven that wool was used to make clothing in ancient times. At that time, wardrobe items were primitive capes and headbands made from poorly dressed skins. Today, technology has changed a lot; in addition to good quality skins, fine material is produced from sheared “live” wool.

SheepWith the advent of the loom, fine woolen shirts began to be made, which became the ideal winter wardrobe item for men and women. The process began with shearing or collecting material after the animals had moulted. Then it was washed and combed with special combs to remove debris and separate it into fibers. The fibers were spun onto a spindle and spun into thread of varying thicknesses. Soon they learned to dye the resulting thread and fabric.

Today, new modern machines have appeared that are capable of creating the finest woolen fabric and threads almost automatically on an industrial scale. Although the algorithm remains largely the same, the wool is also sheared by hand, washed, carded and then spun.

Important! Thanks to different breeds of animals, it was possible to create a variety of yarns that differ in the appearance of the finished product, elasticity and quality. There are also synthetic analogues of natural wool, which replicate almost all the properties of natural fiber, but are low in cost.

Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to create material from natural wool with various patterns and ornaments obtained by complex weaving of threads. The coloring has reached perfection, and things now do not fade even after many washes.

What products can be made from wool?

The numerous advantages of sheep wool as a material for the production of various things enable a wide range of uses for this raw material. It is made from:

  • carpets (the products can be piled or knitted from threads with the addition of wool);
  • bedding (plaids and blankets made of sheep wool are very popular, they help with various diseases and provide unique climate control, in addition, they do not cause allergies);
  • bath towels (perfectly absorb moisture and retain the resulting heat);
  • children's clothing (rompers, pants, sweaters, socks, caps and other products);
  • clothing for adults (hosiery, sweaters, sweaters, pullovers, vests, skirts, trousers, suits, etc.);
  • outerwear (coats and trench coats);
  • interior finishing of shoes.

In addition, there is a felting process that can be used to make shoes. The well-known felt boots, which are again gaining popularity, are a striking example of a product made from natural wool. They are a very durable type of footwear that perfectly protects your feet in severe frosts, preventing them from getting cold.

Felt bootsBut also, various toys and figurines are created using the felting method. Today this direction in needlework is very popular. Many housewives use purchased wool or personally collected material from pets to felt attractive figures and decorate their homes with them.

Due to its antiallergic properties, sheep wool is safe for people suffering from allergies and various types of asthma. They can carry things and use various accessories made from this fiber without fear. This property is also very important for young children, whose bodies are not yet strong and may react to aggressive synthetic materials.

Important! Some diseases are treated effectively with the use of sheepskin belts, blankets and bedspreads for therapeutic purposes. In particular, arthritis and osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases lose their intensity with the use of such material in everyday life.

Premature babies are specially wrapped in sheep wool blankets. It helps improve blood microcirculation, prevents dry skin and neutralizes possible allergens. The baby quickly recovers and adapts to life.

What can be made from wool threads?

Wool yarn Wool yarn is an opportunity to create the most extraordinary things with your own hands. You can use it to create various crafts, knit items of clothing for adults and children, create unusual ornaments and other decorations.

Handicraft specialists make many unique items from yarn based on natural wool:

  • knitted items (scarves, hats and socks are a necessary winter attribute to keep them warm and comfortable in severe frost; experienced craftsmen knit beautiful sweaters, suits and other clothes);
  • decoration made of threads (by tightly wrapping an ordinary jar or box with multi-colored wool threads, you can get a beautiful vase, stand for pens or other small items);
  • hairpins, bracelets and other jewelry (with the help of threads, mothers of little ones make beautiful and unique hairpins, as well as knit and make beautiful bracelets; in addition, ladies who love handmade jewelry can afford to create original beads or earrings) ;
  • products made from pompoms (wreaths, flowers in a tall vase, or pendants made from pompoms are considered extremely popular decorations for the home; they look original and bright, especially suitable for rooms in an ethnic style).

The imagination of needlewomen is almost inexhaustible. Every day, a huge number of master classes on making various objects and jewelry from threads appear in the public domain. And thanks to the bright shades of the material, you can create very colorful and cheerful decorations.

Important! Today, craft supply stores offer a huge number of varieties of yarn for knitting or felting. Each beginner or experienced craftswoman can choose fiber according to her own taste and in accordance with the product intended for execution.

Among other things, you can use wool threads to create accessories you need in your home. For example, small baskets for small items, knitted from thick special yarn. And you can also knit a basket for dirty laundry and even slippers. Each item will have its own special functions and help create home comfort.

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