What is worsted wool

Worsted wool is combed sheep's wool to make soft, smooth materials. Especially strong fibers with a length of 8 to 24 cm are used, which gives greater silkiness and strength. Depending on the density of the fabric, dresses, suits, and coats are made from it.

worsted wool fabric

In the production of worsted materials, yarn from homogeneous dyed fibers is used. Before spinning, they are carefully combed using a combing machine, rejecting hairs that are too long or short. To make the surface smoother, it is cut.

REFERENCE! To create a lint-free thread, the hairs are straightened and placed parallel to each other.

Types of worsted wool

types of worsted wool

These materials are distinguished by surface topography. Worsted fabric is made using the following weaves:

  1. Linen is the simplest and most durable option. The weft and warp threads alternate one after another in the form of a checkerboard, due to this the material has no front and back sides. This method is used to produce cloth and costume fabrics.
  2. Large-patterned is a complex type of weaving, consisting of 2 or more threads, creating a relief pattern on the surface. Suitable for sewing coats and jackets.
  3. Finely patterned weave is divided into two types:
  • derivatives are complicated simple weavings: matting, rep, twill. Dress and suit fabrics are made using this method;
  • combined ones include ornamental, crepe, diagonal and relief weaves. Dresses, suits and coats are made from materials woven using a combined method.


Worsted wool has five main properties:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. Natural wool retains the warmth of the human body.
  2. Wear resistance. Due to the twisted thread used in weaving, items made from this material will be durable. But with prolonged wear, shine appears in areas exposed to greater friction.
  3. Hygroscopicity. The material is highly breathable and absorbs moisture in the form of steam.
  4. Dirt resistance. Natural property of wool.
  5. Wrinkle resistance. The products practically do not wrinkle, but if necessary, the irons are treated with a steam generator or an iron with steam, lightly touching the surface, otherwise lasses will appear.

IMPORTANT! Worsted fabrics should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, and dried flat, as they stretch greatly when wet.

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