What is Lana wool?

The term “Lana” in the designation on a skein of knitting thread means pure wool, without the use of any impurities. This fiber is most often used for knitting warm sweaters, socks, scarves and other winter items designed to provide coziness and comfort to its owner. The Lana designation can be used in conjunction with other markings, which will indicate the addition of certain components. These can be wool fibers of other breeds, as well as synthetic components.

What is Lana wool?

The term "Lana" on the yarn label means pure wool. It is very soft and pleasant to the body, things made from this fiber are warm and comfortable to wear. There may be additional designations, for example:

  • lana vergine (translated this means “natural wool”, as manufacturers want to indicate the absolutely natural composition of the yarn, without the admixture of synthetic fibers);
  • pura lana (means “pure wool”; many manufacturers use this designation to emphasize the environmental friendliness of the material);
  • lana merino (means "Australian merino wool").

Important! Also, using additional symbols on the label, you can determine the degree of softness of the fiber without even touching the skein.

Lana Wool

This marking is very convenient, especially when ordering yarn remotely, through online stores or other methods. In this case, the needlewoman can choose the yarn suitable for the future product, based only on the manufacturer’s markings.

Description of the type of wool

Lana is a pure fiber from natural raw materials, made from one or another species. It can be sheep, camel or alpaca, as well as their varieties. Such yarn can be in natural light or dark shades, as well as dyed in a wide variety of colors, bright and unexpected.

lana wool

It is also labeled according to the type of fiber. If the selection was carried out very carefully with the sorting of fibers spoiled by impurities, this is the most popular and expensive type of yarn. It can even be used for knitting children's clothes.

Features, quality attributes

Yarn made from natural raw materials has a number of advantages over their synthetic counterparts:

  • hygroscopicity (products do not get wet well and are able to remove moisture from the body while remaining absolutely dry);
  • environmental friendliness (natural and pleasant to the body pile is very comfortable in everyday wear);
  • elasticity (the fibers are very resistant to deformation, the item practically does not wrinkle);
  • strength (easily stretches and then returns to its original shape);
  • thermal conductivity (a product made from pure raw materials retains heat well and does not interfere with the “breathing” of the body).

However, this yarn has its drawbacks. It is poorly resistant to abrasion, resulting in the formation of pellets during wear.Low-grade yarn also pricks the body unpleasantly, which is especially important for people with sensitive skin to know in advance. The products require constant and careful care.

Lana Wool

This is why pure wool is rarely used to make everyday items. Typically, synthetic fibers are used in yarn, which significantly improve the quality characteristics of the product.

Reviews and comments
D Danily:

I had a coat made of 100% pure wool, but my parents always sold it for two hundred hryvnia to quickly get rid of things.


