Which wool is best for a back belt?

Increased stress and hypothermia often lead to back pain.

wool belt for back

In recent decades, the population leading a sedentary lifestyle has increased sharply. For many centuries man has been forced to move. As a result, his body adapted to function in conditions of constant activity. Movement promotes blood circulation, which supplies the organs with everything they need for normal functioning. A sedentary lifestyle does not fit into this scheme and gives rise to problems, some of which are manifested by back pain. Since ancient times, such symptoms have been mitigated or eliminated with the help of belts made of animal hair.

Varieties of back belts

Pet hair is used to make belts.

Let's see what kind of wool the back belts are made from.

wool belt

Sheep's wool. The most common option. The availability of raw materials plays a big role in its popularity.The products are valued for their excellent therapeutic effect in the fight against inflammatory joint diseases. It is difficult to overestimate the results of using the belt. And it is achieved thanks to the following characteristics of sheep hair:

  1. Breathability. Gentle warming of the joints is not accompanied by a greenhouse effect. The beneficial effect is facilitated by the fact that the belt allows air to pass through well.
  2. Light massage. The fibers have a slight rigidity (depending on the manufacture it varies). Contact with the skin increases blood circulation in the belt area.
  3. Hygroscopicity. The structure of the villi allows the skin to absorb evaporation, allowing it to remain dry and warm.
  4. Presence in delicately dressed wool lanolin. By heating from the body, natural wax promotes the penetration of medicinal ointments into the skin.
  5. Thermoregulation. The qualities listed above contribute to the possibility of releasing excess heat in warm weather and providing a warming effect during the cold period.

Camel's wool. A rarer variation. Getting camel hair is much more difficult than sheep hair. Camel wool consists of soft undercoat (it is combed only from ghoul, non-working breeds of animals). Unlike sheep, which are sheared annually, camels are combed once every few years.

Due to its physical characteristics, hard outer wool cannot be used for such purposes. The soft undercoat is like down, pleasant to the touch, relieves toxic tension and does not become electrified. Has hypoallergenic properties.

Indicated for people with upper respiratory tract diseases with an allergic reaction to other types of wool.In terms of other qualities, camel hair corresponds to sheep hair; it has a similar effect on inflamed joints, providing increased blood flow to the areas covered by the belt, warming and reducing or relieving pain. Lanolin contained on the surface of the villi has a beneficial effect on the human skin and circulatory system.

camel back belt

Dog's fur. The product has excellent warming properties. The industry does not produce belts made from dog hair. They are produced exclusively at home or in artisanal conditions. The technologies used do not make it possible to rid the raw materials of the specific dog odor. The stiffness of dog hair makes it impossible for people with sensitive skin to use such belts.

Which wool belt is best to buy?

All belts are produced using the same technology. Thick weave is used for the outer and inner layers, the inner layer consists of wool. When choosing a product, you should take into account the characteristics of each type of belt described above in relation to the characteristics of your body and skin sensitivity.

Tips for choosing a wool belt for your back

back belt

If you need to eliminate the pain of radiculitis, then When choosing a product, you should take into account not only the type of wool, but also the ability to support your back in the correct position.

  • The presence of latex in the belt gives it elasticity, allowing it to be tightly secured to the body, while maintaining the ability to move. Due to the tight fit, the external back muscles are unloaded and spasm is relaxed or relieved. Due to improved blood circulation, the muscles of the intervertebral discs restore nutrition and move into their place, reducing pressure on the roots of the intervertebral nerves.
  • A layer of cotton threads allows you to isolate latex from the skin, eliminating allergic reactions.
  • Familiarization with the composition of the product will help you navigate when choosing it.
  • The warming effect of different types of wool does not differ significantly. The dog's fur retains heat better. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of human skin and the presence of allergic manifestations. For people with sensitive skin and allergies, a belt made of sheep or camel is suitable.

And remember, a quality product has neat seams. It has wool distributed evenly over the entire area, and natural dense woven materials are used.

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