How to bleach white woolen items?

There is nothing eternal in our life. Under the influence of time, even a completely white woolen hat, jacket, mittens and other woolen clothing becomes grayish or yellowish. However, you can return it to its former appearance by washing and bleaching it yourself. This can be done using both household chemicals and folk remedies.
woolen white things

How to bleach white wool at home?

White socks

There are many bleaching products in stores that will help restore the whiteness of wool fabric. Or maybe you should take the advice of your grandmothers?

Special means

Among household chemicals that can be used to make woolen items white, one can note products from manufacturers such as Vanish, Persol, Amway and Help. Among the variety of products they offer, there are also substances that bleach wool. Such chemicals should be used strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Never exceed the processing time required.Otherwise, you may damage the wool fibers.

For white things

For pure white wool products, bleaches containing chlorine can be used.

white wool scarf

Chlorine not only whitens wool, but also disinfects and refreshes. Use detergents with extreme caution. They are aggressive and can damage fabric fibers. You should not keep clothes in chlorine for a long time. There is no need to use such bleaches often. This will lead to premature wear. After the laundry has been treated with bleach, it should be rinsed thoroughly. This facilitates flushing of chemical residues. Don’t be lazy to rinse twice, or better yet, three times.

For white items with colored inserts

To give the original whiteness to things with colored inserts, it is recommended to use bleaches containing oxygen. They do not harm wool fibers, but whiten them perfectly. At the same time, they do not spoil the design or color insert, since they do not contain aggressive substances.

Copes with various types of pollution. They can remove old stains and various stains.

If you want to give your laundry a pristine appearance, then you need to choose such products. The only drawback is the duration of the procedure. Grayed items should be placed in the solution overnight or for the whole day. And this is not always convenient.

Folk remedies: 7 recipes

Bringing life back to wool clothes is quite simple. And you don’t always need to go to the store to buy an expensive chemical. Sometimes it is quite possible to cope with those substances that are often at hand and are much cheaper than professional detergents.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide does an excellent job of whitening. This product is available in almost every home medicine cabinet. To whiten, proceed as follows:

hydrogen peroxide

  • pour water at room temperature into the container;
  • pour several bottles of peroxide into it. The ratio should be one to eight;
  • put the laundry in the resulting mixture for several hours;
  • After the time has passed, rinse and dry.

When you dry clothes from your wardrobe, avoid direct exposure to the sun - this can damage things.



The most common salt bleaches quite well. It's the one you put in the soup. It is mixed with water until a solution of medium consistency is formed. Clothes must be immersed in the solution several times and then rinsed in water. Rinse requires cold water.

In order to give whiteness to a knitted item using this method, once will not be enough. The process will have to be repeated.

Ammonia+hydrogen peroxide+vinegar

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

The following method works well:

  • Six liters of water are poured into the container, ammonia is added to it, about ten milliliters, and the clothes are rinsed in this solution;
  • in a separate container you need to mix five milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and one milliliter of ammonia. A liter of water is added to the resulting mixture;
  • Soak the clothes in the resulting composition for half an hour;
  • Add a tablespoon of vinegar to warm water and rinse our clothes in the resulting mixture.



You can also bleach a woolen product with chalk. To do this, you need to prepare a solution by taking half a kilogram of wool and a kilogram of chalk. We dilute chalk in warm water. For every three liters of water you need to use a kilogram of chalk.

Soak the clothes in the resulting mixture for an hour, stirring the mixture so that the liquid evenly penetrates the wool fiber.

After the procedure is completed, the laundry needs to be rinsed several times. The last rinse should be done by adding conditioner to the water so that our item softens a little.

Laundry soap

Often, to remove yellowness, the product is boiled. For more effective results, follow these steps:

laundry soap

  • whittle laundry soap into water;
  • Boil clothes in this solution;
  • then rinse with warm water;
  • mix a tablespoon of vinegar with two liters of water;
  • Rinse the laundry in the resulting mixture again.

Lemon acid

Citric acid can get rid of yellow plaque. To do this you need to prepare a mixture. To prepare it, add a tablespoon of acid to one liter of water. Soak the item in the resulting composition for eight hours, after which it is necessary to rinse thoroughly.

Sodium hyposulfite

This drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. You need to dilute it in water, soak the product in the resulting solution, and leave it soaked for some time. While the laundry is soaking, the basin should be covered with plastic wrap. After waiting about sixty minutes, rinse the clothes thoroughly.

What to do if white yarn turns yellow?

white yarn

In order to avoid felting of wool, it must be processed in water whose temperature does not exceed fifty degrees. During the bleaching process, We stick to consistency.

  1. We tie the yarn with synthetic-free thread.
  2. We use only detergent that does not contain aggressive substances. To prepare the solution, we follow the proportion of one gram of substance per liter of water.
  3. Rinse the yarn well in the mixture and wring it out.
  4. Pour ten liters of water into which we add hydrogen peroxide (one third of peroxide from the total weight of the yarn), add table soda to the solution, as well as office glue (one tenth of the total weight of the yarn).
  5. Dip the yarn into the resulting mixture and leave for a while. The holding time depends on the desired result.
  6. After this, rinse in clean water, after adding vinegar to it.

Useful tips

white woolen item

To keep wool fiber products in excellent condition, follow these tips:

  • If wool clothing has turned yellow over time, boil it with soap. You will need to pour shavings from laundry soap into the water. After boiling, be sure to rinse, do this several times, gradually lowering the temperature. During the final rinse, add vinegar to the water;
  • ammonia, which is sold in pharmacies, contains ammonia in its composition. And it can bleach wool very well;
  • Knitted clothes are washed only with special detergents.

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