How to dye wool?

When working with woolen materials, needlewomen and craftswomen often have a question: how to dye yarn or felt? Other people have situations where their favorite woolen item has faded or lost color after numerous washes, but has not lost its other external qualities. In such cases, there is a way out - choose a special dye and tint the wool. Read on to learn how to do this at home.

What to choose - natural or chemical dyes?

dyed skeinsThe first question that arises before painting is: which dye to choose? There are many options among both folk and modern chemical remedies. Due to its natural origin, almost any dye shows up best on wool..

Using natural dyes you can give the yarn a beautiful shade. In addition, it will not lose its properties and will remain just as soft and warm. Using herbs, vegetables and fruits, you can paint a thing in the following colors:

  • brown (oak bark, strong coffee, basma);
  • golden (strongly brewed tea, onion peel, henna);
  • red (elderberries);
  • green (spinach, sorrel or elderberry leaves);
  • yellow (poplar buds, lemon zest, orange zest, carrots, turmeric);
  • blue or purple (blueberries, red cabbage);
  • orange (celandine leaves).

For that to dye fabric or yarn using these natural ingredients, you need to thoroughly boil them in boiling waterso that they give out their color as much as possible.

Important! For a rich color, it is better to additionally use special substances when boiling - mordants. They will enhance the durability of the paint and fix it to the wool. These products include moss, acorn, and chemical alum.

Special dyes are used as chemical dyes. aniline paints. It is usually sold in powder form in different colors. Using it you can prepare a special solution for painting. All proportions are indicated on the product packaging.

What is needed for painting?

wool dyeingTo dye yarn or a whole wool product, you need to prepare one or more dyes, depending on how many colors you want to dye the item. Pre-soak the wool in warm water for 10–15 minutes, it will become soft and pliable.. At this time, prepare the solution for painting.

Materials and tools

To carry out the painting procedure, you will need to prepare some additional things to ensure your safety and not get everything dirty. In particular, you may need:

  • latex gloves;
  • an enamel basin or other container (can be silicone or coated with film);
  • gauze or colander to strain the solution;
  • polyethylene or oilcloth to cover the surface and not stain it with dye.

Step-by-step algorithm for dyeing wool yarn

So, after preparing the dye and all the tools, you can start working:

  1. soaking woolstraighten the skein of yarn, but tie it in several places so that the threads do not get tangled in the water. Be sure to wet it first: this will allow the paint to adhere better and show the color.;
  2. place the yarn in a container;
  3. Fill the threads with the paint solution so that they are completely and evenly covered with liquid. It is impossible for even one thread to come out, as it will not be dyed;
  4. Depending on the composition of the dye, let it sit for a certain time. If you use natural paint, the procedure will take about an hour and a half. The water should be hot enough, but not boiling. When if you paint using chemicals, the holding time is usually 30–40 minutes. Stir the solution from time to time so that the yarn is dyed evenly;
  5. after that, remove the skein from the solution, let the excess water drain and cool;
  6. Rinse the wool thoroughly, changing the water several times. To strengthen the paint, you can use a little vinegar when rinsing.

Important! If you want to dye the yarn in several colors, then use chemical dyes. They can be diluted in small quantities (for example, in glasses), the wool can be placed in a relatively flat tray and poured over it in different places with different dyes. After this, make sure that all places are covered with liquid, pack the yarn in plastic and wait for the required time. Then the yarn will need to be rinsed.

Features of painting items made of woolen fabric

soaking in warm waterIf you need to dye not a skein of yarn, but a whole woolen item, you should follow some precautions. Painting a whole canvas is a little more difficult, but it is quite doable. The painting procedure is no different from that described above: you also need to soak the product in a decoction or dye solution. Preferably lay the item so that all folds are free. This way the solution will evenly saturate all areas.. The painted product should be dried in a horizontal position and straightened out to avoid any possible smudges.

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