How to make yarn from dog hair

how to make yarn from dog hair If you or someone you know has a dog, you can try making some great yarn from wool. Dog yarn has always been distinguished by its healing properties. Thanks to its structure and density, it creates excellent insulation and improves blood circulation.

The manufacturing process does not require much time and effort. You just need to prepare everything and study the stages of work. Usually the yarn is made in several stages. We will tell you how to do this in our article.

Preparatory work

Before you start making yarn, you need to do some preparatory work. To do this we will need to perform several steps.

  • Find a source for obtaining material: your own dog or friends who have one and are ready to share.
  • Collect the required amount of material.
  • Clean it up.
  • Prepare all the necessary tools and think through a plan.


If you have found a way to obtain it, you need to collect the yarn correctly. After each combing Preparationdogs, collect hair from the brush. Mechanically remove coarse hairs and dirt.Place the lump in a cloth bag or cardboard box.

IMPORTANT! It is better to avoid storing in plastic bags and ensure good air circulation in the bag.


After collection, it is necessary to properly wash the workpiece. To do this, place a soap solution in a basin or bowl. Immerse the product in it, gently press with your hand and let it soak. After this, draw clean water and get rid of the remaining soap until clean water begins to run out.

IMPORTANT! All actions should be performed carefully and without sharp twisting to avoid fiber ruptures.

Drying wool

Drying is the final stage of preparation. There is no need to artificially create conditions to speed up the process.

The best source of warm air is sunlight. Fresh air circulation is also important. If possible, simply take the workpiece outside and spread it evenly on newspaper.

Making wool

  • After drying, comb the coat using a comb.spinning
  • Roll the resulting lump into a roll.
  • Twist a long, tight thread using a spindle or by hand.

After creating several of these threads, you can begin to work and make various warm things.

Please yourself and the whole family with warm and healthy things made from dog hair. Store them properly and they will last you a long time.

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