What is the natural color of wool fibers?

Sheep wool

Sheep's wool

Wool is a unique natural material that, in addition to its warming properties, has a healing effect. It is no coincidence that many children's clothes are made from especially soft wool, which not only provides warmth, but also heals. Due to the special structure of the fibers, the material has an antibacterial and analgesic effect. Since ancient times, medicine has been considering different types of wool to treat ailments.

Modern fashion and wool are inseparable concepts. The softness, warmth, and shape that the material imparts to clothing, bedspreads and blankets, and accessories are incomparable to anything. But the price of woolen products has never been low, so wool items are purchased for more than one season, providing appropriate care and washing so that the product lasts as long as possible.

Shades of fur in different animals

Natural wool has one color, but after washing its intensity and tonality may change. The fact is that the wool fiber in the cortical layer has pigment particles, they are not visible at ordinary glance, but these pigment grains black, red shades, when rinsing wool, affect its final color.


Natural wool colors

Different animals produce different coat colors. The most expensive is white wool. It is particularly soft and can be painted in any color. But white is still closer to a milky color. It is also sometimes called unbleached. The fact is that natural fiber contains sweat and animal fat, which also affect the color of the raw material, even after washing.

The natural colors of this material are mainly: gray, brown, black, milky, beige.

Alpaca has a variety of colors, but the shades are mainly black, dark brown, light gray, white and cream shades. The result is this noble thread, which is highly valued. In ancient times, it was used to make robes for royalty.


Fur of different animals
Unusual animals that give the best fleece are called:

  • Huacaya;
  • suri.

The wool is so soft at suri, which resembles plush. Such fiber practically never goes on sale due to its enormous price.

Suri woolRaw materials, received from Huacaya, this is the main type of alpaca you can find in stores.


The llama produces fleece with special thermal properties; it is not for nothing that coats are made from this material. The weight of the raw materials is small, but the consistency is dense and thermostaticity, allow this raw material to be rated quite highly among different types of fibers.

Wool lama 3In addition, llama has healing properties.


Llama wool
Fleece obtained from camel, also has healing properties. This material is used to fill blankets, pillows, and make clothes for the home.This material contains lanolin, which, when heated from the surface of the human body, has a relaxing effect, relieving muscle pain. In addition, this material does not attract dust, so that household items made from camel fleece are ideal. Natural fiber color beige, light brown.


Wool camel
The fleece that gives yak, may have several colors shades: gray, and brown, and dark gray. Due to the special structure of the fleece, it is impossible for the products to become overheated or overcooled. Some peoples wear clothes made from this fiber both in hot and cold weather.


Yak wool
Fleece from goats have a unique property to preserve warm. It was thanks to this animal that cashmere and mohair appeared.

Angora goat wool

Angora goats

Products made from goat wool are light in weight, but very warm. Goat hair helps with exacerbations of varicose veins, and also relieves pain from sore throat.

Cashmere goat wool

Cashmere goat


Sheep wool (merino) have been used since ancient times. In modern days, they are used to make carpets, fill blankets and pillows, and make rugs. Merino is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neuralgia. Natural fibers range in color from white to beige. Moreover, it can vary in tone, ranging from the lightest shades to almost brown. The most valuable sheep fleece is white.

Merino sheep wool

Merino sheep


Mainly used Angora rabbit fluff, since the wool is very short in pile. The famous angora thread used in the production of winter knitwear is made from rabbit down. Raw materials ideal for creating sweaters, hats and mittens.

Angora downy rabbit wool

Angora down rabbits

2. Dead and living wool

Dead wool collected from already killed animals. Most often it is collected from slaughterhouses. A live shearing from animals during their life.

Wool shearing sheep

Merino sheep shearing

It is believed that only living fleece has the required quality; due to the natural coating produced by the animal’s skin, it is endowed with all the necessary properties that have a healing effect.

Wool camel 2Woolen products are, first of all, high-quality things that can not only keep you warm in severe frosts, but also help with certain ailments. Cashmere, angora, mohair, alpaca - all these wool fiber options are synonymous with excellent quality and long service life.

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