What is better padding polyester or holofiber?

During the cold season, there is a need to surround yourself and your loved ones with comfortable and warm things. In this case, it is necessary to choose a high-quality synthetic insulating material, which will be the basis of clothing or bedding. To decide which insulation is most suitable for specific cases, let's consider their main properties.

Characteristics of padding polyester

SinteponDue to its low cost, synthetic winterizer is a popular and affordable non-woven synthetic insulation material. The production technology consists of combining polyester fibers into a homogeneous fabric using several methods: adhesive (emulsion bonding), needle-punched (mechanical weaving) or thermal (the most effective).

Important! You can determine a high-quality padding polyester by several criteria: it should feel quite elastic and dense to the touch, the surface should be smooth, the color should be white, opaque and dull.

The main positive qualities are: lightness, good thermal insulation, resistance to deformation when worn, does not absorb moisture, fairly simple ways to care for the product (dries quickly).

With all the advantages of padding polyester, it has significant disadvantages:

  1. the use of adhesive emulsions can cause allergic reactions;
  2. during use of the product, fibers can come out through the upper fabric, making the appearance unpresentable;
  3. cases of synthetic padding polyester being produced by unscrupulous low-quality manufacturers from recycled materials.

Important! To prevent the filling from clumping into clumps during the washing process, just place several tennis balls in the washing machine.

Characteristics of holofiber

HolofiberThis material is safe and environmentally friendly, made using thermal bonding. It was developed in 2005 and has won many fans. It is based on thin polyester fibers containing air inside and outside, which provides excellent thermal insulation. Outwardly, it looks like an air cloud.

Holofiber has many consumer properties:

  1. long service life (the ability to maintain its original appearance);
  2. excellent breathability;
  3. does not form into lumps after washing;
  4. does not cause allergic reactions;
  5. the ability not to absorb foreign odors;
  6. not susceptible to microorganisms.

Reference! Holofiber is produced in several versions: non-woven fabric (for jackets), balls (for pillows, blankets and children's toys).

The difference between padding polyester and holofiber

Holofiber and padding polyesterAlthough there are several similarities, the materials considered have significant distinctive features.Due to the modern technological process, holofiber is a higher quality and durable material compared to padding polyester and can withstand a large number of washes without loss of quality. Due to its hygienic properties, holofiber filling is preferable to use for children's clothes, since products made from padding polyester can in some cases evaporate toxic substances.

Which is better for jackets?

HolofiberIt must be taken into account that holofiber is considered warmer, so it is preferable to use it for winter jackets. Sintepon is suitable only for clothing for the autumn-spring period. If the product does not require frequent washing, then you can purchase items made from padding polyester as a more budget-friendly option.

Which is best for pillows and blankets?

In this case, holofiber will be an ideal option, since home textiles will not accumulate static electricity. Also, the pillows will be more fluffy, soft, comfortable and, most importantly, safe for health.

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