The difference between velor and velvet

To begin with, let's understand the terms. Velor is a material whose structure contains solid pile. Velvet is a fabric that is made from cut fibers by weaving threads.

What is velor (advantages, disadvantages)

Velor fabricIt is considered a pure wool material, soft and pleasant to the touch. It is of artificial origin. Notable for a number of advantages:

  • keeps warm;
  • "breathes";
  • does not wrinkle;
  • does not stretch;
  • pleasant to the body;
  • costs less than its analogues.

It has several significant disadvantages:

  • soiled - stains from its surface are difficult to remove;
  • requires attention and constant care.

What is velvet (advantages, disadvantages)

VelvetThis exquisite and expensive fabric of natural origin has a huge number of advantages:

  • does not irritate the skin;
  • does not stretch;
  • keeps warm;
  • does not gather dust;
  • shines and shimmers favorably when draped;
  • durable;
  • looks noble.

Disadvantages of velvet:

  • creates volume, which may be disadvantageous for women trying to hide extra pounds;
  • requires careful care;
  • has a high cost.

What is the difference

Many people mistakenly believe that velor and velvet are the same fabric. Although the two materials are indeed similar, they still have certain differences.

Made from silk.The raw material is wool.
The base is short pile.Consists of long pile.
Natural material.It is of artificial origin.
Firm to the touch.Soft to the touch.
Expensive.Cheaper than velvet.

Velor sweaters

Application area

Velor application areaChildren's clothes, home clothes, pajamas, and tracksuits are made from velor. Patterned material is used in sewing evening dresses. Sometimes berets, hats, and coats are made from it. Upholstered furniture is upholstered with a special variety. Seat covers are made from automobiles, and bed linen is made from jacquard. Sometimes warm fabric is used as lining material.

Velvet is valued by lovers of exquisite outfits: lush dresses, suits, skirts, wide trousers, bodysuits, and coats are made from it. It is used to decorate shoes, sandals, and boots. Accessories are also made from this fabric: bags, clutches, headbands. Velvet, like velor, is used to upholster furniture, and curtains are made from it.

How to care

Caring for velor and velvetVelvet is considered a “capricious” fabric. In order for its appearance to be worthy, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to caring for it. Velvet items have to be cleaned regularly, because dust and pet hair collect on it.

There are also problems with velor. It is not recommended to wash it; it is enough to remove dirt, which appears quite often, with a damp cloth.

Washing, drying, ironing

Items made from exquisite materials can only be washed in a delicate or manual mode; it’s even better to entrust the matter to professionals by taking them to dry cleaning. The water temperature should not be more than 30 °C. Products must not be soaked: it is better to wash them immediately.

When washing things, it is unacceptable to use bleach or other products of this kind. Another strict rule: do not twist velvet and velor clothes. Just squeeze it out and hang it to dry. To speed up the drying process, you can use a hairdryer (but not an iron!), without bringing it too close to the fabric. You should not hang a product made of velor or velvet to dry in direct sunlight - the material may lose color.

Ironing delicate items is not recommended. If the item is too wrinkled, you can turn it outVelvet sofa inside out and lightly run an iron over it. Another option is to steam it. In this case, the folds will unravel in a matter of minutes.

Furniture made of velvet or pile is treated with damp sponges or vacuumed. It is unacceptable to use chemical stain removers - the fabric may begin to “bubble”.


Despite the differences, both products are related materials, and the process of caring for them is almost identical. These types of fabric ennoble things and emphasize the good taste of their owners. Do not worry about the safety of items of clothing and furniture made from these materials - if you follow all the above rules, they will last for many years without losing their noble appearance.

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