How to make a butterfly from beads

Beaded butterflies, if made well, can be quite useful items. They can decorate almost any item of clothing, turn it into a stylish accessory, hair decoration and interior decoration. Do you want to learn how to weave them? We will help you with this.

beaded butterfly

How to make a butterfly from beads with your own hands?

Beads are small shiny beads; they can be used in completely different ways. It is used for embroidery, decoration, creating various crafts and decorations. The main advantage of the material is its versatility and prevalence. In addition, even a beginner can work with beads. The process of creating a butterfly will just help you make sure of this. But first things first.

What will you need?

Craftswomen who master weaving techniques from this material know that half the success of the finished work depends on the quality of the selected materials. Therefore, if you don’t want your work to go down the drain, make sure to find only high-quality consumables. So, to weave a butterfly from beads with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Beads.It would be better if it was produced in the Czech Republic or Japan. Only in this case will it be possible to count on the same size, uniform color of the beads and durability of the finished product. It is better to buy this consumable in large quantities so that you always have a supply of all colors and shades.
  2. The base is a thin fishing line or special wire.
  3. Scissors. Must be straight and well sharpened.
  4. Tweezers. Narrow and thin, it will help pull the warp through the beads.
  5. Round nose pliers. They will become indispensable when you need to twist a wire.
  6. Decor. You may want to further decorate the finished product. For this you will need large beads, stones, and rhinestones.
  7. Notepad and writing instruments. What if you want to make a diagram yourself? Paper and pen will help you with this.

By the way, about the schemes. Today there are many ready-made master classes and visual examples that allow you to quickly understand the technique of weaving with beads. If you see something suitable, buy it or save it to your computer without hesitation. It will come in handy!


second option

These butterflies can be sewn onto a child’s dress or used to decorate hairpins or elastic bands. If you weave several pieces, you can add them to your kitchen interior by attaching them to curtains or wallpaper.


A more complex option that involves the use of a circuit. For work you will need the following materials:

  • beads - 3 colors;
  • wire;
  • beads;
  • scissors.

The main thing to remember is that they start working with the body, and only then weave the wings. See the diagram for other details of the process:



A beaded butterfly created by yourself can be given to a loved one as a souvenir or used for more prosaic tasks.Having understood the nuances of working with this seemingly capricious and complex material, you can find your own hobby and even use it as a good way to make money.

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