DIY beaded sakura

One of the favorite trees of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun is considered to be sakura - cherry blossoms. It symbolizes the warmth of the summer sun, tenderness, love and feminine beauty. A figurine of a spring tree is often used as a talisman for the home and a talisman that can give good luck in love affairs. Getting such a figurine is not difficult. You just have to purchase the necessary materials, choose a suitable master class and be patient.

Can you guess what we're talking about? Of course, about the fact that you can make sakura yourself. And the most suitable material will be everyone’s favorite bright bead beads.


Instructions: how to make sakura from beads with your own hands

For a trained craftsman, the process of creating such a craft will not take much time. Beginners may have to spend an evening or two working on it, but rest assured that the end result will be worth it.

To make sakura from beads, you will need the following materials:

  • wire for needlework;
  • beads of pink, white and green shades;
  • wire cutters;
  • beige threads;
  • masking tape.

Step by step description

  1. Leaves. 80-90 cm are cut from the wire. Beads of all shades are mixed in a saucer. Stepping 20 cm from the end of the wire, make a loop and then string beads onto the long end, alternating colors. Next, white, pink, green, and again white and pink beads are added to the wire. Fold the lower part of the base into several turns to form a leaf.

  2. Bunches. After the second leaf is made, a small fragment is separated from the wire in order to weave a twig from it. 5 beads are strung on it in the sequence described in step No. 2. Next, this fragment is again twisted into a leaf, for which several turns of the wire are made below along its axis. Subsequent elements are woven in the same way. All of them should consist of 5 elements with a repeating alternation of shades.

  3. Branches. For one part you will need 14–16 leaves, and for the entire tree - at least 60 such elements. To make more branches, 14 small ones are held together with tape. Then they wrap each one with thread and connect all the bundles into a tree.

  4. Trunk. They are formed from wire tails, which are assembled into a single structure. The trunk is first wrapped with tape and then with thread.
  5. The tree is planted in a pot or on a stand previously filled with plaster.


Interesting! While the solution has not yet completely hardened, you can carefully place pebbles on it and cover the “improvised” soil with a scattering of beads. After the plaster has dried, it can be darkened with acrylic paint and covered with glitter.

Sakura made from beads is an interesting and unusual craft that can be used as a souvenir or to decorate the interior of your own home.The optimal location is the bedroom. The symbol of a flowering tree located in this room can bring love and happiness to the house.

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