What is a harsh thread

Understanding the expression harsh person or harsh weather is quite simple. It’s easy to wrap your head around this, but how do you understand the phrase harsh thread? Why is it named like that?

The first part of this phrase is harsh. It has its roots in ancient Russian words and means something wild, raw and unprocessed.

But the second part clearly concerns threads. It turns out that this is a product that has not undergone bleaching and cleaning. In other words, raw materials.

If you weave a fabric from such threads, it will be rough, uneven and rough to the touch.

A business suit intended for negotiations will most likely never be made from them. Designers have long invented special technologies for creating clothes for this style. But sometimes, especially creative comrades even use a casual style for business negotiations.

what is a harsh thread

What are they made of?

This type of material has a cotton base. It is made of very thin fiber, using a special type of weave, which makes it possible to give the product linear strength, tensile strength, and thickness.No further processing is carried out for them and they go into production in their original condition. The only kind of treatment that gray yarn and gray thread undergo is treatment with substances that wash, disperse and wet. All fabrics created from them are subjected to the same treatment.

harsh thread

Where is it used?

Nowadays, we have practically stopped sewing by hand; manual labor is increasingly being replaced by sewing machines. High-quality work, a beautiful and durable line, depends on how well the machine is configured. However, often poor quality string occurs because the wrong threads were used. The strength characteristics of the product will be compromised if the thread is too thin. They will tear frequently, most often where the seams intersect or in thicker areas.

Harsh thread is one of the varieties of cotton threads. They have increased thickness, which makes it possible to use them where special strength is required. They are used when sewing bags, and they are used in shoe workshops. They are used to make packaging twine, which is used during the shipment of household goods.

Even our grandfathers, when hemming felt boots, used harsh threads for this. After all, they made it possible to ensure durability and strength of the product. They are even used in ship ropes. How it can be replaced has quite a wide range of applications, although in general it is a purely technical purpose.

Is it applicable today?

We already have an idea about these products, and in what areas of industry they are used, we already understand. Does it have any application today?

harsh thread

1.​ Harsh thread is a product that relates to weaving. It is characterized by special thickness and strength.Some time ago, these threads could be freely purchased in any store along with other sewing goods. Nowadays, to get them, they usually use the Internet.

2.​ You can find these threads in stores that sell products for shoe repairers.

3.​ These threads are based on hemp and flax of special strength. Some craftsmen unravel bags to get these threads.

4.​ When decorating bars, designers use this thread to braid branches or unusually shaped bottles. Those who grow flowers decorate the interior with twine and apply gold or silver paint to it.

No matter how you look at it, even today these threads find their use in sewing fabrics that have particular rigidity. Various souvenirs and shoes are made from them.

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