Amazing DIY thread garland

On the eve of the New Year, the question of decorating the premises arises. You can make a spectacular New Year's decoration yourself. A garland made of threads looks beautiful and unusual. Many people complain about the complex weaving process. However, if you follow simple recommendations, creating a ball is quite simple.

DIY thread garland

Garland of threads

Using threads, you can make balls that can easily be turned into a sparkling garland. The work consists of shaping the lampshade. First you need to inflate a lot of balloons, and then use glue to wrap them with threads. After drying, the ball is removed, and the finished craft is “dressed” on a garland light bulb. Thus, an ordinary store garland takes on an exclusive designer look. In addition, this is a great opportunity to show your creativity by using threads of different colors and balloons of different sizes. If you combine several diodes in one ball, you can get unusual and varied combinations of shades.

DIY thread garland

Consider in advance a place for drying the balls.If you put them on the battery, then tearing them off later will be very problematic. It is much more convenient to hang them on strings on a clothes hanger and leave them to dry in a ventilated room.

How to make a garland with your own hands

DIY thread garland

The whole family can make Christmas decorations from threads. To do this, prepare the necessary equipment in advance and carefully study the instructions. It will only take a couple of hours to make, excluding drying.


DIY thread garland

You should buy an electric garland in advance, in which the light bulbs are located at a considerable distance from each other. It is desirable that it has a transparent wire. For work you will also need:

  • threads of various shades and thicknesses;
  • PVA glue;
  • starch;
  • Balloons;
  • petrolatum;
  • long needle;
  • bottle for diluting glue;
  • scissors.

The threads must be cotton, otherwise they will not absorb the glue and the frame will turn out to be unstable.


Depending on the size of the intended garland, you need to make blanks: inflate a certain number of balloons. You shouldn't inflate them too much. It is better if they are small and round – up to 6-10 cm in diameter.

DIY thread garland

Next, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Hang the balls in such a way that it is more convenient to work with them: wrapping and drying the future craft.
  • In a small bowl pour a little water and dissolve one and a half glasses of glue and half a glass of starch there.
  • So that in the future the threads easier to separate from the balloon, it is treated with Vaseline, rich hand cream or vegetable oil. In small products this procedure is not necessary, but in large ones it cannot be avoided, otherwise the ball will be dented during the bursting process.
  • The process of wrapping the balls begins. It is convenient to cut the threads into equal parts in advance. It takes approximately four meters for each product.
  • Threads are dipped into a bowl with an adhesive composition and wound on the ball in any order. It is worth remembering that the thinner the thread, the tighter the winding should be. With thicker material the toy will be more openwork. When winding, you can carefully adjust the shape of the ball.
  • When winding, it is worth considering a small hole through which you can then remove the balloon. You will also need to thread a garland inside it.
  • After the glue has dried and the ball has hardened, it can be carefully pierced with a needle. The threads should become not only dry, but also hard. To speed up the process, you can use a hairdryer. Complete drying naturally takes about a day. The balloon is pulled out of the hole.
  • When enough balls are ready, you can start creating a garland. To do this, you need to slightly move the threads apart, insert the light bulb inside and return the winding to its previous position. For reliability, you can secure it with hot glue. The glowing garland is ready. All that remains is to find a suitable place for it.

Be sure to make sure that the light bulb does not come into contact with the threads.

In the interior

DIY thread garland

The resulting balls can be used in different ways. They will help create a fairy tale atmosphere in the interior. Most often they are placed on the tree in random order, and also laid out on the table and shelves. Garlands look especially impressive. The product must be safe. Therefore, the garland must be of high quality and have protection against overheating. Battery-powered garlands have a huge advantage: You can hang it anywhere and not depend on an outlet. Glowing balls will look good on the ceiling, wall or above the door.

You can make spectacular and beautiful things from threads and glue. An unusual garland will not only be an interesting home decoration, but also an unusual gift. Show your imagination and create a cozy and magical atmosphere with your own hands.

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