How to make fringe from threads

Fringe is one of the most traditional and widespread decorations on clothes, scarves, stoles and other accessories. It attracts with its simplicity, but at the same time it always looks different. If you have a scarf that seems too stiff and you want to spice it up, a great option is to fringe it yourself.

How to make fringe from threads

This is a fairly easy process that even a novice craftswoman can handle. There are several ways to make fringe from threads. Let's look at each in detail so you can choose the one that's perfect.

Using a ruler, cardboard

You will need to take a ruler or cardboard that is the width of the fringe you want.

fringe made from threads and rulers

IMPORTANT! Please note that the decor should be made immediately to the required length, and not cut off the threads already on a scarf or other product. This will make it much more difficult to make the fringe even.

Now wind the threads onto a piece of cardboard or a ruler. Try to act carefully so that the threads are wound smoothly and beautifully.Then cut one side - this will give you threads of the same length. Then arrange them in piles of several pieces. The quantity will depend on the thickness of the threads. Please note that it is better to use medium thickness yarn so that it fits the scarf optimally.

fringe using cardboard

The color scheme will also be an important point - try to choose a shade that is close or in harmony with the product being decorated.

Now all that remains is to secure the tassels on the scarf. The knot is on top and forms the desired shape, and the required number of tassels will form the fringe.

With the help of a second person

It is better to do this work together - it will be much more convenient and there will be fewer mistakes. To begin, cut the thread, fold it in half with a loop and tie it in a knot. Then you will need a ruler to hold the threads on.

One person should put the loops on his hand, and the second will hold the ruler and carry out the necessary actions. The loop located on the left is inserted into the opposite one, and the right one remains on the left.

IMPORTANT! Follow the procedure carefully and do not confuse the loops, otherwise you will have to redo everything again.

Then the loops are pulled apart, and the second person secures them at the top. After this, the thread must be returned to its previous position and work continued.

Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary to obtain the fringe of the desired length. After this, you need to remove it from the ruler and can use it for its intended purpose.

Using a frame

thread fringe

Another option would be to make a frame out of cardboard. To do this, you will need several layers of thick cardboard, from which you need to make a frame in the shape of the letter “P”. The basic principle is the same - you need to wind threads around it.

Please note that the frame must be tight, smooth and not wrinkled.Also choose the optimal size so that the fringe turns out exactly the way you want. You especially need to monitor the smoothness of the product - any damage will cause puffs on the threads, which will make the fringe unsightly and unsuitable for use.

Also make sure that the threads do not overlap each other or overlap. This will damage the quality of the finished product.

other methods

There are other ways to make your own thread fringe. Once you understand the principle of winding, you can use anything as a base. Surely in every home there are materials that are no longer needed for anything - try making a base out of them.

other ways to make fringe

The most important thing is to maintain proportions and accuracy. Without this, you won’t get a beautiful fringe. Also, attach it correctly to your scarf and other clothing. It will not be very pleasant if the decoration falls off after a few hours or after the first use of the item.

IMPORTANT! There are craftsmen who think that they can attach fringe to the product using glue. This is a rather controversial point - most often the glue does not hold the threads together well, and in addition it leaves stains, streaks and other troubles. Therefore, it’s better not to be lazy and attach the tassels using knots - it’s not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but much more reliable.

Carefully select the threads that will be used during work. Obviously, this is yarn, and not thin sewing threads - such a fringe, of course, can be made, but it will look a little ridiculous. Fabric that is too thin will not hang very beautifully, so it is better to go to a specialized store and purchase a skein of high-quality and beautiful yarn.

Now you know how you can easily decorate your favorite scarf using only threads and your patience, creativity, and a small amount of scrap materials. This way you will make any thing unusual, as well as more interesting, and everyone around you will certainly pay attention to it. This is also a great opportunity to put to good use something that has been sitting idle at home for a long time.

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