How to make a doll from threads?

Making reel dolls from threads is a fairly common type of needlework, used since the times of ancient Rus'. They were made for different purposes, but mainly they served as a talisman or a toy for children. They were even passed down by inheritance. They are no less popular today. Read on to find out which types can be made using threads.

What do you need to make your own yarn doll?

The set of items for this activity is quite affordable and everyone can find it in their home. To create such a craft we need to prepare:

  • green pupathreads of two or three colors that you have in stock. Floss, linen or spool cotton will look best;
  • scissors;
  • a stencil made of thick cardboard in the form of a rectangle or a small book. The size depends on what kind of doll you have planned;
  • any accessories for decoration;
  • hook.

Step-by-step algorithm on how to do it

We are accustomed to the fact that in the modern world, dolls are just children's toys. And they never attached importance to the fact that they could have certain tasks and play the role of an amulet endowed with magical powers. They were created to protect themselves and their family members from evil spirits and the evil eye and were given as gifts. They were usually made from available materials: all kinds of fabric, yarn, birch bark, dry twigs, straw and vines.

Simple doll

lilac dollBy complementing each with certain features and decorations, they can be made diverse. We will tell you all the details later. Now Let's try to create a doll step by step, which is the basis for all types. It looks absolutely faceless and consists only of threads collected in bundles and tied in knots.

You can choose to have a boy or a girl, or both at once. They are made almost identically, the only difference is in the lower part of the body and hairstyle. The girl, of course, will have a skirt. Let's start with it.

  1. Let's draw a rectangular stencil from cardboard, the size depends on the length of the craft. It should be quite dense so that it does not sag when winding the threads. We wind the beige or milky thread in a circle along the long side, without changing the degree of tension. If it is thick, for example, wool, one hundred turns will be enough. We cut it from one edge.
  2. Now take brown or black yarn for knitting and repeat the previous procedure. This will be the hair for our lady.
  3. Place a beige bundle across the brown one in the very center and fold both in half. Then we tie it with similar colored threads at the base. You get two nice tassels interlocked with each other. In fact, this is the head of our young maiden with luxurious hair. While working, you can straighten the strands with a wide-toothed comb to make it even and neat..
  4. The next step is to wrap the arms, only this time along the width of the cardboard. Cut on both sides. We tie the same color thread at both ends and trim with scissors.
  5. We put it inside the body and fix the strand under it with a thread in several turns, which we secure with a knot.

That's all, the beauty girl is ready. What does she lack for her image? Of course, a long braid that can be woven from ready-made hair and tied with a bright braid. We trim the uneven ends and remove the knots with a crochet hook. If you decide to create a pair for her, then instead of long woolen hair, create short ones. And divide the skirt in half, tying the ends like legs. Here are the instructions with photos:

step by step

Amulet doll

The principle of creation is very similar to the previous one. She should not have a face or any special image. It is made about 10 centimeters high, which allows you to always carry it with you. If you are preparing it for home use, then the size can be much larger.

Its functions are not only to protect against unfavorable factors, but also help to find happiness, good luck, and health. Moreover, it had different shapes in Rus'. There were then solar dolls in the shape of a horse to give the house comfort and warmth. The girls, who had spent too much time as brides, sewed Fatty-Kostromushka. An ash pan with a handful of ash from the stove protected the house from dark forces. Successful, Diaper, Herbalist, Ten-Handed and many others, designed for each special occasion.

Doll with a face

with a faceIf you want to give your little girl some kind of look, you can make a face from a piece of flannel glued to the head. Draw features with colored gel pens or embroider with threads and beads.Only then glue the hair.

Dress it up by cutting out a vest or dress from any scrap of fabric, securing them with beads or Velcro. Make a belt or bows from thin braid. In general, do whatever your unbridled imagination tells you. These dolls are mostly play dolls. Involve your child in creating them; for him it is not only a fun and interesting activity, but also an activity that helps develop hand motor skills and aesthetic taste.

Subtleties of working with floss and wool

When creating a protective doll, you should use not only linen or cotton threads, but also understand that the palette is also of no small importance. Since the Slavic peoples believed that any color is a carrier of certain information. What colors were used to make amulet at that time:

  • pupaered is a sign of love and wealth. To do this, it was placed in the form of a belt near the figurine to ward off damage and the evil eye from its wearer;
  • green color is a symbol of nature and life. Endowed with healing powers, improved mood;
  • yellow - denoted the sun, giving abundance and wealth. It brought success and prosperity to the owner of this amulet.

Tips for a puppeteer

  1. If you want to give this product the status of a talisman, then maintain absolute silence while working.. Send good thoughts, wish all the best to the person for whom it is intended. You can activate its power with the help of a suitable plot. Moreover, you need to stock up all the parts in advance so that there are no sharp objects during the work process. The state of health and mood must be only good. Perform on the waxing moon. It is better to take natural materials. A doll made with the participation of a child is filled with pure beneficial energy.
  2. A talisman made of linen yarn trimmed with red thread or ribbon is considered very powerful.
  3. Whatever you decide to make from them, do not forget that any craft made with our participation carries a great charge of energy. And what it will be depends only on you.

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