How to make pompoms from knitting threads?

pompom made of multi-colored threadsPompoms of various sizes are used quite often in knitting. Such details are often used to decorate not only children's, but also adult items to give them the most complete look. You can make pompoms in various ways, both simple and quite complex.. Some even use special devices for this purpose, which can be purchased at the appropriate craft stores. Let's look in detail at how to make beautiful fluffy buboes with your own hands.

Useful tips for making pompoms

Buboes (pompoms) – an effective decorative element for a hat (scarf, booties or toys).

pompom for baby hatTo make homemade thread balls neat, it will be It’s useful to know a few basic nuances of their manufacture:

  1. A suitable yarn should be dense. and have a porous structure. In this case, the products will turn out more beautiful and voluminous.
  2. Depending on which method was chosen for the manufacture of such a decorative element, you may need blanks in the form of a circle, horseshoe or square.
  3. Scissors are considered one of the most important tools for making such products. They must be sharp.
  4. In order for the finished product to remain in its original form for a long time, each of its elements must be secured with threads.
  5. To create a multi-colored pompom or an original fluffy ball with a pattern, you need to print the selected image of the pattern and use it as a guide when winding the threads.

pompoms for booties

Important! For beginning needlewomen, the best option would be to practice first on leftover material to determine the desired density.

Step-by-step steps to create pompoms from knitting threads

pompom for dog
To make a product with a pattern from multi-colored threads, you need to do the following:

  • prepare yarn, scissors and a suitable cardboard base;
  • divide the image visually into 2 parts;
  • wind the yarn of the shade that was chosen for the central part of the product onto the base in the shape of a double horseshoe, gradually moving to the edges;
  • after making one half, it is necessary to make the second in a similar way, observing the sequence of color changes, the thickness of the threads and the degree of their tension;
  • using a stapler or office clips, you need to combine two blanks, cut and straighten the threads;
  • to fix the product, tie the workpieces with thread and form a strong knot;
  • The resulting ball needs to be straightened, given the desired shape with scissors and the edges trimmed.

Pompoms for dogsSuch an original and bright ball of yarn will be an excellent decorative element for any knitted product.

Buboes using cardboard rings

pompoms for penguin
This The method of making pompoms is considered classic. It is used by many needlewomen. To make a ball of yarn in this way, you need to prepare thick cardboard, yarn and sharp scissors.

pompom bubo from cardboard ringsExecution order:

  1. You need to cut out 2 circles from cardboard, then you need to cut out the middle in each of them so that something like bagels is formed (the greater the difference in diameters, the more splendid the finished product will be);
  2. both circles should be connected, and the thread should be carefully wound around the rings (you can use a needle for this purpose);
  3. scissors need to be inserted between the circles of cardboard and the threads cut (this must be done with the utmost care, since the threads may move off the cardboard in the process);
  4. You need to thread a thread between the cardboard rings and make a tight knot to securely fix the product;
  5. cardboard rings must be cut and removed;
  6. the resulting decorative element should be trimmed with scissors, giving it the most accurate shape possible.

Pom poms with cardboard squares

pompom for baby hat
To make a fluffy ball of yarn using this method, you should cut out a square from thick cardboard with a side slightly larger than the desired diameter of the pompom. The cardboard square must be cut in the middle, slightly below the center point. Then you need to cut a piece of yarn 30 cm long and insert it into the cut so that both ends of the yarn are the same size.

pompom made from cardboard squaresThen you need to wind the threads around the cardboard, alternating shades if necessary. If you need to make a pom pom with a diameter of approximately 6.5 cm, it is recommended to wrap the yarn around the cardboard approximately 100 times.If you need to make a product with a large diameter, you should perform a larger number of turns of yarn. After the required number of turns have been completed, the yarn must be cut.

pompoms for pigNext, you need to tightly wrap the piece of yarn hanging from the gap in the cardboard blank around the turns of yarn and tighten it tightly. Then the twists of yarn must be cut and the pompom trimmed to the desired shape using scissors.

Yarn buboes on a fork

pompoms for piglets
A fairly fast and convenient way to manufacture this kind of product. For this You will need an ordinary four-pronged table fork.

pompom bubo on a forkExecution order:

  • place a short thread on the fork, which will be needed later to tie the pompom;
  • wind the yarn around the fork (one ball may require about 100 turns);
  • the thread must be cut and the thread lying on the fork tied (to prevent threads from coming out of the finished product, you need to tighten the thread quite tightly);
  • turn the fork over and cut the yarn wound in the middle (this is best done directly on the fork);
  • the threads must be removed from the fork and collected into a ball with your hand;
  • trim off the excess and trim the edges, giving the product as even a shape as possible.

On fingers

pom poms for toys
This is the fastest method. You can use it if you don’t have any suitable means for making a pompom on hand (for example, a fork or cardboard templates).

pompom on fingersTo make a similar decorative element on the fingers, you need to make several turns of yarn around the four fingers of the hand. Then the bundle of threads should be tied in the middle (there is no need to remove them from your fingers).

pompom on a hatThis method has one inconvenience: without outside help, it is quite difficult to carefully tie the threads wound around your fingers.

Important! It is necessary to take into account that no matter how the pompom is made, a perfectly smooth product will not be obtained right away and it will still need to be trimmed with scissors in the end.

yellow pompom for hatCraftswomen often have a lot of original ideas regarding the use of pom-poms. For experienced craftswomen it will not be difficult to make such a product. But even beginners are quite capable of mastering this skill in a fairly short time, after which they will be able to decorate any things with such elements.

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