Which hand is the red thread tied to? How are the rituals performed?

In the 21st century, the world was captured by the craze of wearing a red thread on the wrist. Many people believe that a piece of wool yarn will protect them from all diseases and make them happy. Should you hope for this, what should you do to ensure that the amulet fulfills its protective functions, and in general, which hand should you put it on? Read on.

Where did the belief come from?

hands with red threadAny question regarding a thread has several possible answers. This is explained by the fact that red, scarlet, fiery color has been perceived by people since ancient times as a cleansing and protecting color.

According to one version, the shroud of the Israeli nun, the foremother of the Jewish people, Rachel, was red. The threads pulled from it served as a talisman for people and protected them from adversity and disease, the evil eye and misfortune. Nowadays they bring red wool from this country, with which they perform a certain ritual., tying a long thread around the nun’s tomb and then cutting it into small pieces.It’s hard to say one way or another, but the business is developing successfully, and we are encouraged to buy “threads from Israel” at every step.

According to another version, Slavic tribes also wore amulets using red woolen thread. Many peoples wore such amulets, believing in their protective and healing powers.

What does the red thread on your hand mean?

It is a talisman that stands as a reliable barrier in the way of negativity from other people and does not allow the alien destructive forces of another person to penetrate the energy-information field. This means that as long as there is a red thread on the hand, no damage or evil eye can harm a person.

Which hand should I tie it on?

Red-thread-on-the-wrist-how-to-tie-correctlyOnly on the left. This side of the human body in Kabbalah is considered to personify the negative side of life. All the negativity that is directed against a person penetrates him from the left side, through the hand. The right hand has its purpose - it gives, and the left hand takes. To avoid accidentally receiving negative energy through the left hand, it is “sealed” with a red thread.

Can I tie it myself?

It is believed that a self-tied thread will not perform protective functions. A close person must definitely tie the knot: a relative, a friend, a loved one. Someone who only wants the best for you and who you trust. Process accompanied by the reading of a special prayer “Ben Porat”, the text of which is attached to the thread upon purchase.

Important! By placing high hopes on the red thread for protection and attracting good luck into your life, you should not carry negativity within yourself. The amulet will not let it out, but will leave it in the soul, which will poison itself with it.

How long to wear and when to take off?

red thread with an amuletFollowers of the teachings of Kabbalah believe that you need to change the thread often, because a fresh amulet has a powerful charge of energy. Usually 7 days are allotted for this. The thread, which was worn for some time, has absorbed all the negativity directed against its owner, and, having worked out, requires replacement.

According to Slavic traditions, the red thread should be worn for 9 days and then burned. Sometimes the thread is worn for 12 or 40 days. But many people don’t think much about the timing, they just wear it until it fades or breaks.

If the break happened suddenly, it is believed that the thread protected its owner from damage or slander and prevented misfortune. The removed thread should be burned so that the negative energy accumulated by it does not follow you further.

How to properly tie a red thread on your hand to prevent damage?

To do this, follow the recommendations:

  • tyingthe thread is tied with a knot that closes a ring around the hand. It will protect and protect its owner from everything bad;
  • In addition to the first knot, you need to secure six more, and the total will be seven. This magical number enhances protective properties;
  • fastening the knots should be accompanied by a special prayer included with the thread upon purchase;
  • if there is none, the one who ties the thread can read “Our Father,” repeating it with each knot.

How to tie to get rid of negativity?

Communication in a work team always involves wasting energy, sometimes in vain, participating in conflict situations and accepting negativity from employees or superiors. A red thread is also called for help.

We perform the ritual correctly:

  • in this case, you can put on the thread yourself, if possible. The ends are not cut, but burned, but this is dangerous. Let them hang loosely on the back of your hand;
  • the amulet is placed on the left hand with the expression of the desire to get rid of the effects of negative energy;
  • You can fasten three or seven knots, pronouncing a separate wish for each.

Important! There can be as many nodes as there are informational reasons for liberation from envy, fear, resentment and more. The main thing is that the number is not 6, which is attributed to Satan.

How to use a thread to make your wishes come true?

To attract good luck, prosperity, and the fulfillment of a cherished desire, a similar amulet is also used:

  • thread and prayerif you don’t have red yarn, take white, which is also energetically strong;
  • Before the ritual, get rid of unnecessary things cluttering your living space, from dirt and dust in the house, from resentment and negativity in your soul;
  • choose a moment when you are alone in the house so that no one will disturb you;
  • light the candles. Their number must match the number of nodes on the amulet;
  • imagine that your wishes have come true. How has your life changed now? If you are confident in the correctness of your actions, then fasten one knot on the bracelet and speak out your dreams for each, describing them as if all this will come true tomorrow;
  • write down or remember everything asked. If the thread breaks and what you want doesn’t come true, it means you still have a long way to go. You can repeat the ritual no earlier than 17 days later, but choose a time on the waxing moon or at least not on the full moon;
  • When everything is done, the amulet must be removed and burned with gratitude or buried near the intersection of three roads.

Love spells with red thread

Very often, girls in love try to evoke a reciprocal feeling among representatives of the stronger sex, resorting to various types of magical methods, even a love spell.While tying the thread, you can also read a plot that will help the young man discern his betrothed in the owner of the red thread. Whether this technique works or not, it is not dangerous for either party, and it can make the girl more courageous and confident in her attractiveness.

stars with red thread

When performing the ritual, take a silk thread and fasten three knots while repeating the text three times. The girl should carry out the ceremony and tying the thread alone in the dark, with a lit candle, on the waxing Moon. Using wool yarn, when reading the plot, fasten seven knots, including the connecting ring, repeating the text seven times.

Important! Christianity does not encourage performing magical rituals or reading conspiracies for any purpose.

Is it possible to tie it to a child and how?

Often mothers, wanting to protect their child from the evil eye, tie a red thread on the child’s hand. If you decide that your child also needs such protection, then call on the “Our Father” prayer for help.. It must be read nine times, repeating with each subsequent knot secured. It is important to explain to the child that he should not remove it, cut it, or tear it himself.

Mistakes that can happen and how to avoid them

  1. red thread from the evil eyePay attention to how comfortable you are with your amulet: it should not interfere with the work, pull the hand, interfering with normal blood flow.
  2. If you don’t have thread from Israel, but want to urgently protect yourself with an amulet, then buy a skein of red wool in the store and cut a piece of the required length from there.
  3. The wool must be new, not the same one that was purchased earlier and was waiting for its time in your home.
  4. You only need to buy yarn with your own money. They must not be lent or accepted as a gift.
  5. The amulet given by Kabbalists is considered to have no protective power. You need to purchase it yourself.
  6. The best material for creating such an amulet is wool. It helps improve blood flow, does not shed, and does not accumulate static electricity. If you are allergic to it, you can replace it with silk or cotton. The material must be natural.
  7. When attaching the amulet, read the attached prayers “Ben Porat” in the original language or in translation. The Orthodox prayer “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” or any other prayer addressed to Christ or the Virgin Mary can also be read with repetition according to the number of knots tied.

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