What is thick yarn called?

Things knitted from very thick yarn look impressive, winning more and more fans every year. Interior items, clothing, and accessories made with large knitting attract attention with their unusual appearance and ease of manufacture. Craftswomen often ask questions: what kind of thick yarn is this, what is it called and how to work with it? Read more about this.

Names of thick yarn for knitting

thick yarn hatManufacturers of thick yarn have their own names. The following companies produce yarn: Hoooked (Portugal), Yarn Art (Turkey), Russian versions are called “Lenta” and “Serpentine”. The Trinity version of thick yarn is called “Zephyr”, about 50 meters in 500 grams, contains 100% wool, offers 15 shades. The Russian manufacturer Kamtex attracts with a variety of (30) colors of “super thick” yarn and 40 meters in 400 grams. Composition: 100% wool.

Classification of thick yarn

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Knitted tape

A very popular type of thick yarn. It is made of strips of knitted fabric up to 3 cm wide. After stretching slightly, it is twisted into an elastic tube with a diameter of about 7–10 mm. Such yarn was invented a long time ago; our grandmothers used to knit rugs from ribbons cut from old clothes. The ribbon was uneven in width and had knots at the joints.

Modern knitted tape does not have such disadvantages, but it is not cheap. When knitting a product, it is recommended to use yarn from the same manufacturer, because the quality and width of the thread may vary, which will affect the appearance.

The colors can be either monochromatic or multi-colored, which allows you to create an original design. The composition usually consists of cotton recovered from textile waste.

Clothing made from tape turns out to be non-functional, harsh, and not flexible enough. But the accessories and interior items are extremely beautiful. Bags, baskets, rugs, pillows, wicker jewelry - all this can be knitted from knitted ribbon.


a ball of thick yarnRoving (woolen and half-woolen) is a combed tape, made without spinning, only slightly twisted. The result is a thread slightly thicker than a finger. It is from this that the very same blankets in delicate shades are made, where the loops are the size of a palm, images of which are filled with social networks. It is more convenient to knit this yarn by hand, without using knitting needles or a hook. The loops are large; for a blanket, it is enough to cast on 15–20 loops on your hand. Manufacturing will take 2–3 hours. The cost of roving is high, so some needlewomen have learned to make it from combed felting tape.

Roving is suitable for knitting all types of clothing and accessories, but is not recommended for rugs - they will roll up when used.It is also undesirable to knit children's clothes from it - the fibers can easily be pinched off, getting into the mouth and eyes.

To find out the composition of such a thread, you need to set it on fire; if it has melted, it is synthetic; if it burns with the smell of burnt hair, it is wool. Machine washing is contraindicated, only hand washing, without spinning, in non-hot water.


threads with knitting needlesThis is a yarn whose thread is a knitted cord, usually of a mixed composition. Thickness may vary as well as color. Great for knitting clothes. It is also quite expensive, so it is more interesting and cheaper to make such yarn yourself. To do this, you can find a cord knitting machine on sale, it is called a mill. You can buy such a device in craft stores; the manufacturer is usually Chinese.

The process of knitting a cord is simple - just thread the desired thread into the mill, hang a load, and in a couple of hours the ball for a whole blanket will be ready. The composition of such yarn will depend on the thread used for knitting.

Other threads

As analogues of thick yarn, you can use: “plush”, fancy pompom, pile. But the same effect as using knitted thread, roving and lace cannot be achieved.

What tools are needed for it?

clewIf you choose a knitted tape for work, then it is worth considering that the size of the hook or knitting needles determines how dense the fabric will be. When you need to knit a basket or bracelet, you should take hook number 9 or 10. The product will be rigid and able to hold its shape perfectly. If you crochet No. 15–20, the fabric will be looser, more elastic, suitable for blankets and rugs.

It is recommended to knit from roving without knitting needles, casting on the loops on your hand. There are many such videos and master classes on the Internet.Even beginners can easily learn this.

ADDI tools have proven themselves well. They can be made of plastic, bamboo or metal, knitting needles and hooks sizes up to No. 20.

A larger version - knitting needles with a diameter of 25 mm - can be found from the manufacturer Prym. Plastic hooks are available in the same size.

Not everyone likes wooden knitting tools due to the risk of snagging the yarn. But the perfectly processed surface of the Pony maple spokes prevents this from happening. Working with them is extremely pleasant. It is surprising that there are intermediate sizes; for example, knitting needles No. 11 are available for sale. For large sizes, this is important if No. 10 produces a stiff fabric, and No. 12 is too loose.

Knitting from very thick yarn has only one drawback - the high cost of materials and tools.. But there are many advantages. It takes a little time to do one thing and it doesn't affect the quality. Such products look stylish, impressive and expensive. Interest in them has not waned for several years. Every needlewoman can do this kind of work, regardless of experience. Choose yarn and make your dreams come true!

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