How to make a yarn tassel

Tassels are a beautiful decoration that has become popular recently. They decorate scarves and hats, curtains, blankets, bedspreads and much more. In the last few years, tassels began to decorate girls' ears and began to be hung on bags. To make such decor, completely different threads and yarns are used.

how to make a brush from yarn

How to make a yarn tassel

To make a brush we will need:

  • skein;
  • winding template;
  • scissors;
  • threads for tying the brush;
  • needle;
  • boiling water.

Step-by-step instruction

yarn tassel

  1. The cardboard base should be slightly larger than the resulting brush. To do this, you need to take thick cardboard that will not bend during winding. In order for the tassels to be the same size, it is necessary that the template does not deform while winding the threads.
  2. After that, we start winding. It all depends on how fluffy the pompom you want to get in the end. If you need a thin brush, then several layers will be enough.If you need a lush pompom, then you need to wrap many layers. Pull each row tightly so that the threads do not dangle.
  3. After that, we move on to linking the layers. When the required thickness has been achieved, we can cut the thread. Then all layers are collected with one thread and tied into several knots.
  4. Remove the template from under the threads. After this, you need to sew up the head with the same threads that were used in the work.
  5. But the work is still far from being completed, because the brush does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing. The next step is to straighten the yarn. This can be done using a regular iron. You can also use steam from a boiling kettle.

Scarf tassel

scarf tassel

To make it you will need:

  • yarn;
  • sewing threads;
  • bank card;
  • scissors.

How to do

First you need to wind the yarn on a bank card; in this work it acts as a blank. You choose the number of layers yourself, but in this work there were about 300 revolutions and this is quite enough.

After this, you need to secure the thread so that it does not unravel.

Note! You can wrap the threads onto the card more tightly, then it will be much easier to cut them.

After this, tie it with a thread in the center.

We cut the threads, moving away the bank card.

how to make a tassel out of yarn

It turns out to be a not entirely attractive pom-pom, all because it still needs to be worked on and brought to the proper form.

We also iron the threads so that they become perfectly even; for this you can use an iron or steam from boiling water.

But many needlewomen use steam to straighten pompoms. To do this, you need to put the pompom on an awl and hold it over boiling water for about five minutes.

Now you know how to make a pompom with your own hands.

Note! To make the work look neat, it is necessary to trim the edges perfectly evenly.

There is one method by which you can make a perfectly even cut. After the pompom is ready, you need to wrap it tightly in paper and use sharp scissors to cut off the threads along with the paper. This method will help you make a pompom with a perfectly even cut.

yarn brush

Recently, brushes have begun to be widely used for decoration. For many years, such tassels have been a decoration for curtains.

Now you know how to make yarn tassels with your own hands, it’s time to test your knowledge in practice and create a couple of exclusive little things.

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