Braids on a knitting machine

braids on a knitting machineThe main beauty of knitted products is obtained through the use of various weaves: arans, plaits, braids. Very often they are used on things intended for the cold season. Many people believe that braids are the prerogative of the manual method. But you can also create these patterns on a knitting machine. In this case, the canvas will look quite neat, and the loops will be as smooth as a selection.

For devices with two or one carriage, there are their own ways of tying a braid. Let's take a closer look at how this work is carried out.

How to knit braids on a two-piece machine

IMPORTANT! The use of two carriages (main and additional) for knitting fabric allows you to create more complex weaves with a minimum of manual operations.

To complete this drawing you you will need a special tool. It is included in the set of accessories included with each model. It's called a "decker". This tool looks like steel strips with ears on the end.They are located on both sides of the plastic handle.


Typically this device has 1-3 strips and allows you to weave two, four and six loops.

Attention! When working, a pair of deckers are used, on which the necessary loops are removed and crossed.

Completing of the work

The workflow looks like this:

  • Cast on the required number of loops.
  • Work the required number of loops to the intersection.
  • Cross the stitches in the desired row using deckers.

double font machine

  • Continue the canvas to the next section.

REFERENCE! To make it easier for the carriage to move through the crossed loops, you need to yarn over before the weave section. To do this, introduce additional needles into the work, and then drop the loops from them.

  • After manufacturing the part, carry out wet-heat treatment of the canvas.

How to knit braids on a single-piece machine

For a device that has one carriage, there are several different ways to perform this element.

  1. Crossing while knitting fabric using deckers.
  2. Using waste thread.
  3. Dissolution of the canvas at the location of the pattern and knitting this section manually.

First way performed in the same way as on a two-font machine.

ATTENTION! Unlike the double-font version, on the single-font version the fabric is placed with the wrong side out. Therefore, it is worth considering which way to move the loops.

on a single-font machine

With the second method at the location where the braid crosses, the loops are knitted with waste thread. Ideally, do this work with a contrasting thread.

waste thread

After completing the part, make the crossing manually. To do this, carefully sew the necessary loops of the top and bottom rows with a knitted seam.

knitted seam

When the seam is completed completely, remove the waste thread.

Third way involves unraveling knitted loops in the desired area, followed by lifting the loops manually.

with dissolution

This way you can create an original braid. And besides, using the hemstitch technique, you can transform your products, giving them originality and unusualness.

with hemstitching

Creative flight and smooth loops!

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