How to sew bias tape?

Bias tape is applied tape cut according to a special pattern (at an angle of 45 degrees). It is indispensable in sewing and handicrafts; it is used in the creation of clothing, textiles, and decoration. Experienced craftswomen regularly use it in their work and know all the subtleties and methods of handling. But what should beginners who are not yet so skilled do?

Ways to sew bias tape

It will be easiest for those who have the skills to use sewing machines. It is enough to purchase special foot and the work will be done quickly. But this requires some experience, otherwise the tape may constantly slip out, and the process will have to start again. Therefore, to begin with, you can try to sew the binding manually, especially since there are two simple ways.


Edging in one step involves performing several actions:

  • ironing the binding;
  • wrapping the cut with it;
  • basting it with a line laid at a distance of one millimeter from the edge.

In this case, it is important to ensure that the seam captures the tape both on the front side and on the back.This method is considered ideal for working with side seams and other internal elements.

Interesting! Necks can be treated in the same way.

how to sew bias tape with a machine


The binding can be unfolded by aligning its short cut with the edge of the product. In this case, the basting should be carried out in the middle part of the edge, not reaching the first fold. After this, you need to take the machine and sew a line into the fold. The binding is then wrapped around the edge and a second line is sewn.

how to sew bias tape by hand

Important! If the tape is made of the same fabric as the product, it will be almost invisible in the end.

In the case when processing is carried out with the closed side of the tape, it is first bent in the opposite direction, then a corner of 45 degrees is cut off. After that, it is wrapped inside and bent so that the sections are inside.

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