Stitch forward with needle

Today we’ll talk about the basics – the “forward needle” seam, which is used in various areas of needlework: from sewing to decorative embroidery. With proper skill, it is done very quickly, performs a lot of functions and can even act as a decorative one. This article will be about all the nuances of its implementation.

forward the needle

Seam “forward needle” with fastening

To work with this type of connecting seam for complete and long-term stitching of parts, its classical design is not enough. For reliability, every 2-3 stitches you need to make a fastening - threading a needle and thread into the place where the last stitch begins. It is, as it were, duplicated from above, because the needle is then threaded through the end of the last stitch. This allows you to do without a sewing machine, being a good alternative when sewing small items.

forward the needle

The seemingly familiar “forward needle” seam is not so simple and is used not only as a temporary connection of two parts.Having gained a little experience, you can use it for full-fledged hand sewing or beautifully decorating finished products using contrasting thread. This is the main stitch for satin stitch embroidery, so you definitely need to master it and use it more often.

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