Sew a canopy for a crib with your own hands: pattern, diagrams and description


A canopy is an indispensable thing for a crib, which protects the baby from noise, extraneous movements and people. Canopy - what is it? This is a transparent canopy over the baby's cradle that falls freely from the ceiling or wall mount. For production, natural materials are mainly used. If you sew a canopy for a baby crib with your own hands, it is best to choose a light, mesh fabric. It does not restrict the flow of air, but at the same time it will protect against external irritants such as dust, insects, fluff, etc. Moreover, it is very easy to care for the fabric.

You can sew a canopy for a crib from linen, chintz or cotton. It is important that light reaches the child; in a dark space the baby will be nervous.

How to sew a canopy for a crib with your own hands - choose the type of canopy

Before you start sewing, you must select a specific type of product. Common options include:

  • Fabric canopies that attach directly to the baby's crib. This is a classic model and requires a special bracket for the canopy. Use a floor or bed holder. The floor-standing one is installed on the floor, with a crib next to it. The bed is attached to the headboard or side wall. The option at the headboard, in principle, does not block out lighting and extraneous sounds. Therefore, to protect the baby, it is better to install the bracket on the side wall.
  • The second option is a round frame suspended from the ceiling. Such canopies are more suitable for children over two years old who have a bed, not a cradle. The bracket is installed by analogy with the classic version - on the headboard or side wall.
  • Fabric canopy on a short cornice. This model is easiest to make yourself. But from a design point of view, it does not look as elegant as the first two options.

To sew a canopy for a baby crib with your own hands - the necessary tools and materials

To sew the product you will need a pattern. You can download it from the Internet and print it in the desired size or draw it yourself. In addition to the pattern you will need:

  1. The material for the canopy is mesh, light.
  2. A ring for installing the structure or a suitable type of purchased bracket.
  3. Pins for securing and connecting elements.
  4. Scissors, needles, threads.
  5. Centimeter.
  6. Decorative elements - ribbons, rhinestones, animal figures, etc.

How to sew a canopy for a crib - instructions


Sewing techniques vary. Let's consider one of the options step by step:

  • We smooth out the material and cut out all the elements of the canvas. A preliminary one and a half meter piece of fabric needs to be folded in half in length.Using a centimeter, measure one and a half or two meters in width from the fold. Use a pencil to mark the cut line.
  • Take scissors and cut out a piece of material. Processing of the lower and side cuts is carried out using a satin ribbon. The canopy will look neat, and small threads will not fray. The upper contour is not processed. You can sew braid, lace and flounces along the edges of the product.
  • To securely fix the cape, we seal the place where the fastening hoop is threaded. We sew a strip of durable material along the top edge. It runs along the entire contour, but there should be a drawstring between the two layers of fabric. The fastener itself will be inserted into it.
  • Decorating the canopy is the most interesting process. It is advisable to decorate the product without hanging it on a hoop. It is better to take small decorative elements. They need to be well secured to the canopy so that the child does not accidentally tear off the decoration. To hide the joint of the material, you can decorate the holder with a beautiful bow.
  • All that remains is to thread the hoop and hook the finished product.
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