Sew calla lilies with your own hands: pattern, diagrams and description


Calla is a beautiful flower with a large white bud, which will be an excellent decoration for the living room, kitchen or hallway. Making a bouquet of calla lilies with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this you will need paper, glue, a stick and some other materials. A craft can be not only beautiful, but also functional. For example, each calla lily, made independently, can act as a case for a pencil or pen. The original bouquet decorating the desk actually turns out to be a practical pencil case. A basket with calla lilies will perfectly complement the interior in any style - minimalist, classic design, modern home decor style. Making calla lilies from scrap materials is not at all difficult.

Master class, diagram, pattern – do-it-yourself calla lilies


Foamiran is an excellent fabric for creating various decorative items. It is flexible and feels like suede. The material is often used in creativity and handicrafts. To make calla lilies, you will need:

  1. Cotton pad, scissors, iron.
  2. A piece of paper, a pen, glue.
  3. Knitting needles, acrylic paint;
  4. A little semolina.
  5. Two types of foamiran - white and dark green. The thickness of the material is up to a millimeter.

Step-by-step instructions for making calla lilies with your own hands:

  • On the leaf we draw a petal in the shape of a heart. Width – eight centimeters, length – ten centimeters. Nearby we draw a second part of a similar shape, but larger in size.
  • We cut out the pattern and redraw it on white foamiran. We trace the fragment with a knitting needle. In this case, you should not put pressure on the tool so as not to tear the fabric.
  • To create longitudinal stripes we also use a knitting needle. We move from the beginning of the leaf to its end, where the petal narrows. The distance between the stripes is three millimeters. The finished petals visually resemble an onion cut in half. We cut out the parts from the material.
  • Add water to acrylic paint until it becomes half transparent. Using a cotton pad, we tint the lower corner of the petal. It should turn pale yellow. We use green color for the base.
  • Using a slightly heated iron, press the sheet of paper onto the surface, holding the iron for three seconds. We stretch the fabric with our hands from the beginning of the sheet to the end. We make a small depression at the bottom and rub the edges with our fingers to thin the material. We straighten the petal.
  • We will make a pestle from a triangle of foamiran. The height of the figure is seven centimeters, length is ten centimeters. Apply “Moment” to the contours and roll up the product. There should be no emptiness inside.
  • First, dip the resulting part in PVA, then in semolina. Leave to dry. When the middle is dry, cover it with yellow paint. You can use foam rubber or a cotton pad.
  • We make flower stems from rectangles. The length is equal to the length of the knitting needle, the width is two centimeters.We coat the edges with glue, round the part, and get something like a cover. It is important that the inside of the stem is empty; the needle should fit into it without any problems.
  • We wrap a stick or handle, taken as a stem, with green material. We make a flat strip of green fabric, coat it with glue, and connect the pestle to the stem. Glue a piece of white material to the top. In this case, one part of the petal should be lower than the other. Let the product dry. All that remains is to round the edge of the bud, pull out the sharp corner and twist it.
  • We decorate the callas with a leaf. We cut out a leaf on green foamiran and make stripes using a knitting needle, following the principle of making a petal. Fix it to the stem with glue. The leaf is also painted with a stretch. We use a cotton pad. Closer to the stem the leaf is darker than near the tip. Before making calla lilies, it is advisable to consider fresh flowers. This will make the task easier.
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