Sew pictures from pieces of fabric with your own hands: pattern, diagrams and description


Pictures made from pieces of fabric have been in demand among lovers of beautiful decor for many centuries. For a long time, noble people decorated their homes with them. Back then, a painting made from scraps or fabrics was called a tapestry. This name has survived to this day. Nowadays textile art is even more popular than in the Middle Ages. This is explained by the emergence of many different techniques and solutions in this area of ​​creativity.

Rag paintings are now represented not only by tapestries. These are stained glass panels, intricate paintings on silk fabrics, three-dimensional works that look lifelike. The modern fabric drapes gracefully. Masters use this advantage when creating their masterpieces. But any type of technology requires perseverance, knowledge of the basics and principles of operation. Today, unique products are created using Japanese technology, the wet fabric technique, and the classic patchwork style.A variety of materials are used for work. For example, a piece of jeans can alternate with pieces of satin or lace.

How to make a painting from fabric - paintings from scraps of fabric for beginners

To create paintings from pieces of fabric with your own hands, you first need to prepare your tools. Regardless of the chosen design and manufacturing option, you will need:

  • Scissors, set of nails;
  • Hammer, screws;
  • Frame slats, staple gun;
  • Selected fabric.

You can make working on a painting easier by purchasing a ready-made frame of the desired size. If you do it yourself, it is important to choose the right material. You can use foam or wood to create a frame. The disadvantage of wood is its rigidity, but it is quite strong and reliable. It is much easier to make a frame from polystyrene foam - it will not be difficult to press the material and secure it.

Another important nuance is the choice of scissors. Stationery and kitchen scissors can ruin the picture. You need to use special models suitable for sewing. This is advice from professional craftsmen who create unique masterpieces from fabrics.

As for the material itself, beginners have complete freedom of choice. Any fabric will do, regardless of its density, color, or texture. It should be taken into account that when using a wooden frame, the size of the canvas must be at least seven centimeters larger than the size of this frame.

Painting from scraps - master class


Let's look at the process of creating a picture from fabric using a specific example. The work is carried out with polystyrene foam, as it is excellent for using small pieces of fabric. We will prepare the following tools:

  1. Glue or glue gun.
  2. An ordinary pencil.
  3. The knife is sharp, stationery.
  4. A crochet hook with a slightly rounded end.
  5. The foam is smooth, with a fine-grained structure for the base.
  6. Material.

The drawing you like should be redrawn on foam plastic using a simple pencil. This is a template for coloring with pieces of fabric. It should not contain small elements - only simple, understandable details. Each line of the drawing is pressed with a pencil to a depth of five millimeters. Then the recesses are lubricated with glue.

Cut the material into pieces. Their size should be slightly larger than the size of the figures in the picture. Using a crochet hook or pencil, carefully place them into the grooves with glue. This is how each edge of the base is shaped. We bend the edges to the side, and use regular pins to secure the bases. It is desirable that they have decorative carnations. In this way, work is done on each element. It is quite painstaking, but the result is amazing masterpieces.

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