Sew pillows in oriental style with your own hands: pattern, diagrams and description

Oriental pillows

Luxurious fabrics, an abundance of patterns - all this is about oriental style. He is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Surrounded by such objects, you involuntarily begin to feel great. To ensure that this feeling does not leave you in everyday life, it is enough to sew a pillow in an oriental style for your home. Its manufacture will not cause much trouble; even a beginner can cope with it.

Necessary materials:

  1. Fabric: This can be taffeta or silk.
  2. Zipper in fabric color – 50 cm.
  3. Filling: synthetic winterizer or any other material.
  4. Decor: golden cord, braid or pieces of other fabric, tassels.
  5. Threads and needles for sewing. It is important that the threads are matched to the color of the fabric.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Tape measure.
  8. Pattern paper.
  9. Chalk.

Stages of work

1. Preparing parts.

In accordance with the diagram, make patterns of parts for the future pillow.

You will need 4 parts A and 8 parts B. There are two options for their manufacture. The first one will be more difficult. You need to draw out the necessary details on paper.The first one (A) will be larger in size, it looks like a rectangle, concave towards the center. Its height is 30 cm and its width is 20 cm.

The second part (B) is smaller in size. This is a triangle whose sides are concave towards the apex. Its base is 20 cm and its height is 12 cm. Draw two pattern pieces on paper.

DIY oriental style pillows - pattern

The second method is much simpler. It is suitable for those who are not ready to draw everything themselves. It is enough to print the details in full size and transfer them to fabric.

DIY oriental style pillows - diagrams DIY oriental style pillows - diagrams.jpg

2. The actual details for the pillow, already made of fabric, can be different: they can be assembled from one color, or made from strips of fabric of different colors. The width of the stripes may vary.

When making parts from strips of different fabrics, you can use non-woven fabric for convenience. To do this, you need to lay strips of fabric on the non-adhesive side. You should not stack them end to end, otherwise they will overlap each other in the finished part. Next, all parts together with the interlining must be ironed. After this, the strips are sewn together, and the seams then need to be trimmed.

When cutting out part A, it will be more convenient to first work on a rectangular piece of non-woven material, then cut out the desired shape from it. You shouldn't do this with part B.

3. The next step is to connect the parts with padding polyester. This will make the finished pillow more durable. The resulting parts, together with the padding polyester, must be carefully ironed and then stitched. The padding polyester cut should be approximately 1–2 cm larger than the fabric in order to maintain seam allowances.

4. We grind all the parts in pairs and turn them inside out. They should be shaped like boats. Then we sew them all together again, but in a circle. Leave a small hole at the end.Through it we fill the pillow with padding polyester or any other stuffing material. After stuffing, all that remains is to sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

This was the last stage of sewing. Your beautiful bolster pillow is ready! However, it does not quite fit the oriental style.

For those who want to make it more like part of a rich oriental decoration, work continues. Here you will need various decorative details: braid, golden cord, tassels, etc. The choice depends on the desired result and taste. All that remains is to sew on the decorative details.

Now the oriental style pillow is definitely ready. It can be used for its intended purpose. You can pair it with another one or even several and give it to someone in your household. Then the atmosphere of a rich oriental palace is guaranteed.

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