Girls often choose original bags for the summer, created with their own hands or by craftsmen who make handmade products: beautiful knitted models or created from pieces of fabric, decorated with beads, stylish wooden buttons, as well as embroidery and multi-colored appliqués. But some of them are fraught with unpleasant surprises for their owners.
Bags with wooden beads
Decorative inserts coated with dark varnish look advantageous on voluminous accessories created with large knitting. Openwork patterns, discreet colors, large pocket inside. It is comfortable for everyday wear.
The bags are great for the beach as they hold everything you need and more.
But there are also pitfalls for such a beautiful thing. When there is heavy rain or during the first wash, the beads begin to transfer color to the light weave of the threads. It is not possible to wash them - the product will be damaged and unusable immediately after the first contamination. It's a shame, because this model of bag is quite expensive.
Bags with fringes
Homemade models with fringe look impressive, especially those made in bright colors. They are in good demand among customers and attract the attention of others. However fringe is a problematic decor that requires careful care.
When worn for a long time, the threads twist and tangle, and also roll down. You will have to regularly take them apart and “comb them” to bring them back to their original form. You cannot put them in the washing machine, because after washing you will end up with a solid lump of threads - tangled and unsightly.
This applies to any type of yarn, although most often such bags are knitted from cotton threads.
It is better to make a string bag from dense threads with a lining and a hard bottom.. Please note that fragile loops occasionally catch on uneven surfaces during active wear. In this case, you will need to restore or purchase a new accessory.